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The Universe wept. 

She cried for her creations. 

She cried as they fought, bled, and died by each other's hands. 

Who would have thought that those She created out of pure love could cause such heartache, such destruction? She could not even punish them for their wrongdoings because after all, She still loved each and every one of them.

I was the only being She created that was kept by her side. The others had their own realms to rule and oversee. I was among the first of Her creations, albeit not the first born, but nonetheless I was the favorite. The First Borns were the only beings related to Her. She had given us each a part of Her soul and because of that we were the highest powers in existence. 

We were the Elites.

After She created the First Borns, Mother began to create the rest of the world as it is known today. I had been around for quite a while, some might say my age could almost rival Time itself, after all, he was the oldest of us siblings.

Our Mother summoned us to the Round Table as we looked down upon the world. The Round Table was where all of our important discussions were held. It was a continuous circle made up of gray stone with a large opening in the center. The mist swirled around us as we each stared at the scene in the middle. Mother was right, it was indeed a cruel and unforgiving war.

Fate and Destiny sat to my right. They were the twins, the youngest of us. Nearly identical, yet so incredibly different when you took a closer look. The girls enjoyed playing games with each other. Mother had gifted them a game of chess when they were young and depending on which twin won, it would determine whether or not a mortal would be able to decide their own future (Destiny) or succumb to a life that was beyond their control (Fate).

To my left sat Reality. She was second born. She appeared cold and unforgiving, yet underneath she always had the best intentions. Surprisingly I felt closest to Reality although she talked the least. She only spoke when needed, but her words were always the wisest out of us five siblings. I looked up to her tremendously as a mentor, sister, and friend.

Across from me was Time. He was the oldest, the first born, and undoubtedly the cruelest. After all, mortals were right when they came up with the saying 'Time is cruel'  for he truly is. I chuckled to myself at the metaphor, if only these humans knew that Time was an actual being.

Then there was me. The middle child. They called me Love. I would consider myself the kindest of my siblings, but no doubt I could also be a real bitch, for out of the deepest loves also came the deepest of hate.

All of Mother's creations were specially crafted. After the first few of each species had been created, Mother assigned Gods and Goddesses to each of them. They would watch over the creations as their own and a council was formed amongst them to maintain order and peace. Each God and Goddess had the ability to create new entities but only for their own species. Only Mother could create beings across all, She was the Universe for a reason.

Besides Mother, my siblings and I were the highest ruling powers in existence. There was nothing and no one that could defeat us. Calling us immortal wouldn't even come close to scratching the surface. We had powers and knowledge beyond belief. We had a language of our own that only we spoke. It was most similar to Latin, the oldest of languages, yet indistinguishable to mortal ears, unrecognizable to mortal minds. I guess there was a reason why Latin was a dead language, it's quite sad if you ask me.

The five of us watched as the wars continued on, amongst them one raged higher above the rest. We looked down in curiosity as we waited for Her to say something. I looked over at Her in sadness, my Mother. I hated to see her so distraught, so sad... so broken. We were concerned because She hardly interfered in mortal matters so this must be important.

'There is an immortal on Earth,' Her voice rang out before continuing.

I looked up in shock. There were no immortals on Earth. At least there weren't supposed to be. Whenever a being or species was created, immortality was the one thing that was never bestowed on them. It was far too dangerous. We forbid it.

'He does not feel emotions, no sorrow, no pain, no happiness. Nothing.'

I furrowed my eyebrows as I listened. I began to wonder why we were gathered. Did she want us to kill this immortal? I glanced around the table and most of my siblings seemed to be on the same page.

'This immortal lacks a soul. His parents had made a bargain at the time of his birth. They extracted the newborn's soul in exchange for his immortality.' She explains.

Well this is definitely interesting. I hadn't heard of anyone willing to exchange one's soul.

She continued on, 'With this immortality the man acquired great strength and absolute power.'

Time was the first of us to speak up, 'What is this immortal being we speak of?'

Fate chimed in, 'Does he originate from a human species or a supernatural one?'

Mother looked into the center of the table as the mist and fog cleared to give way to a young boy with tanned skin and hair black as night. What shocked me were his eyes. They were black, soulless, and absolutely dark. When he grew up, this boy would have no mercy, no remorse.

'The Goddess of this realm asked me for help.' Mother's voice rang through my ears.

'Since this boy is under her domain he was supposed to have a mate, however when his soul was extracted, the Goddess could not create one. She could not match a soul when its other half did not exist.'

We listened intently for Her next words.

'He is the future Alpha King of North America.' She paused.

'And he needs a mate.'


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