Chapter 17; Training

Start from the beginning

He laughed, something that didn't match his next words. "Doesn't matter if it's relevant, don't ever mention your old man in front of me again."

Shizue then kicked the door open of what I remembered to be the training room, pulling me inside by the wrist as if he didn't trust me not to run off. "Heyyo, Nagisa! Where you at?!"

I suddenly did not blame him for not trusting me to run off. "Wh-Wh-What?!  N-N-N-N-Nagisa-onii-chan is here?!" Going into full blown panic, I tried to free my wrist. "B-B-B-But...Umi-onee-chan's not here and they're always together so wh-wh-wh-wh-why is Nagisa...?!"

The person who was lying down on the weight bench suddenly put down the barbell he'd been lifting and sat up, lightly panting for breath. It was a tall boy with blue hair made from water just like his father's, except that his fell over his forehead. He was wearing khaki green pants and a black tank top that showed off his strong arms and drew attention to his abs, slightly damp with sweat.

He was so clearly a hero in the making and his appearance and physique made me, who was a baggy white hoodie with black sleeves and a cute little kitty face printed on the middle to hide my noodle arms, feel even more pathetic.

The boy's clear, water blue eyes caught sight of me and went wide with shock, his strong body going rigid. "Dad, what the hell is that thing doing here?"

Thing. Ouch.

Shizue clicked his tongue. "I invited her, my dear son."

"What?!" Nagisa shrieked, jumping up to his feet. "Why would you do that, are you crazy?! Dad, if grandfather found out...are you trying to lose everything?!"

My uncle simply grinned, swaying from side to side. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, we'll never know. Come on, boyo, where's the fun in life if you don't take a little risk?"

"This isn't a little risk! You're putting my entire inheritance, your entire inheritance, our family's entire fortune and quite possibly my future, on the line by doing this!"

"Yes. Isn't the thrill of it great?"

"You can joke all you want but she shouldn't be here and you know it. This isn't a game!"

"I...I think I should just go home-"

"Oh, ho, ho, ho, no, you're not going anywhere, sweetheart."

"H-Hey, put me down!"

"Nope. Look, isn't family supposed to stick together?"

"But, Dad.." I heard Nagisa let out a sigh. "She's not a Suijin anymore. She's a Nagai and she has been a Nagai for nearly ten years now. So, no, we're not family."

"Tch, tch. Details, details."

"They're very important details!"

I was in tears by then as I slumped weakly against my uncle's shoulder. "I just wanna go home."

"Dad, please put Felix down."

"But she'll run away."

"Maybe that'd be for the best."

"What makes you say that?"

"Dad. If Grandfather finds out about this, that's it, you're gone, I'm gone, right out of the Suijin family."

"Yeah, but we're gonna be flat broke anyway-"

"-Suijins are never flat broke-"

"-since your sister is more concerned with doing her nails than busting her body into action to get that coin."

"Umi still makes money," my cousin argued. "She's off making more money than I ever have right now. And so what if she'd rather be a model than be a hero, that's up for her to decide and not anyone else."

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