Ch 2. New Guy

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Noya's PoV

"Yū, you're gonna be late!"

Ahh! I shot up in bed from the feeling of ice cubes sliding down my shirt.

"Ok Haru, I'm awake!" Every time my little sister pulled stunts like this in the morning meant that I slept through my alarm. Curse my heavy sleeping habits.

 I took the cubes and flung them across the room. Now fully awake, I glanced at my alarm clock which read 8:25 A.M. Oh no, classes start in 20 minutes! I shooed her out the door and took 5 minutes tops to get ready. 

I ran down the stairs to the smell of leftover dinner for breakfast. My family was the type to eat any type of meal no matter the time of day, and I agreed with them. Who says you have to eat eggs in the morning when rice will do just as well? Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to eat a proper serving of whatever we had, so I grabbed a large apple off the counter before rushing out the door. 

It was times like these that I'm glad for my athleticism as I had the endurance to run from the house all the way to my classroom door with just a minute left before the bell rang. The school was a 30-minute walk and a 15-minute run so it worked out. I slouched in my seat, smiling to myself with the small victory. 

"I was just wondering if you were going to be late again, Noya." snickered my friend Ryu Tanaka. I stuck my tongue out at him.

(Ik Ryu and Noya are in different classes, but I'm placing them both in class 3 cuz yeah)

"Not this time. I got the ice cube treatment from my sister again." I frowned. I really should set up multiple alarms, but it wouldn't have been necessary if I didn't have difficulty sleeping last night. Turns out I did have a small case of the sniffles but thankfully it cleared up by this morning. 

Before Ryu could joke about it, the teacher, Mrs. Kayomi, walked in with a familiar figure in tow. Wait a minute, isn't that... It is! "Alright, class settle down. We have a new student who transferred from Korea to be with us. Ok, now introduce yourself."

In the brighter lighting, I took the chance to get a better look at him. He had unruly wavy black hair with the sides and back cut short. From here, I could see that his left brow has two slits shaved in them. Standing at about a head taller than me, his athletic build would make him suitable for any activity he decided to participate in. He still sported 2 studded earrings in his right ear but this time, instead of a scarf obscuring half his face, it was a black medical mask people wear when they're sick. Dang, maybe I shouldn't have taken his coat after all. 

But I have to admit, he was really good looking. 

"My name is Zhang Seung-Jun." Ooh, so that was his name. He gave a polite bow, "Please take care of me."

I could already hear the class whispering to each other about the new guy.

"Is that who I think it is? He's some hotshot on stage right?"

"Really? He's hot and talented?"

"I'd talk to him but he looks kinda intimidating." 

"Maybe, but isn't that what makes him attractive?" 

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Mrs. Kayomi smiled. "You can have the empty seat by the window."

I watch him walk to the seat to the left of mine where the window was and for a moment, we locked eyes. Recognition shown in his eyes and he gave me a slight nod. I grin at him.

"Hey," I whispered to him. "what a coincidence you got placed in my class, huh?"

"Heh, yeah." he casually propped his head on his palm.

A Dancer and His Libero (Nishinoya x Male OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon