Ch. 1 Who Are You?

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Quick Note: None of the art is going to be mine, but the current portrait is how my OC will look, minus the cig, beauty marks, and cross-like earring. Full credit to the artist whoever it is!

Noya's PoV

"I'll see you tomorrow guys!" I waved my teammates goodbye as we departed for the night after a long day of volleyball practice. Daichi was kind enough to treat us to some meat buns so I was happily finishing mine on the way home with an extra helping in my pocket.

It was an oddly chilly night. I pulled my jacket closer to myself as the wind seemed to bite right through my clothes. It was these moments when I truly appreciated the warmth of a bun in my hand. Too tired to run, I absentmindedly strolled down the familiar neighborhood until a streetlight ahead of me started to flicker. It would've been fine if the wind hadn't picked up at the same time. Yeah, this isn't creepy at all, not creepy. Nope.

I took a deep breath and just as I continued walking again, a loud yet deep caw sounded from my left. I whipped my head towards the sound in time for a black mass to fly across my face. Aahk!

I stumbled backward only to bump into something solid. I'm not the type to get frightened easily, if at all, but if any time was appropriate to lose my shit, now was the time. Dropping to my knees, I covered my head in my arms and screamed for mercy.

"Please don't eat me, I'm small and don't taste that good and I'm probably chewy  AAAHhhHH!" I nearly fainted from the feel of a hand on my shoulder.

"Easy easy, I'm not the boogeyman." A soft chuckle came from the shadow behind me. Shakely, I turn my head to see a man crouched down to my level, whose face was half-concealed behind a thick grey scarf. His sharp amber eyes seemed to smile at me as he stood and offered his hand.

I froze for a second, wary of the stranger by his sudden appearance. The wind must have masked his footsteps since I had no idea he was here. Still, this was like a series of unfortunate events, as if the whole scenario was organized by him. I almost had a heart attack! With a pout, I took his hand and was now dusting my clothes off.

"God, don't sneak up on a person like that! Especially in this weather. Also, did you see that raven earlier? I swear it flew in front of me on purpose."

At this point, I was rubbing my arms to keep warm. It was only mid-October and the wind is already biting something fierce. Must be a cold front.

"You seem cold." he said, ignoring my rambling as he threw his coat over me in one swift motion before I could refuse.

"Hey, I'm not some maiden! Besides, who even are you?" I exclaimed just as I coincidently sneezed, proving his point. Ok maybe I was cold and his coat, albeit oversized on me, was so warm I stopped shivering.

"Oh, well," he sheepishly scratched his head, "judging by the name on your jacket, you go to Karasuno, right? Because I do too."

I raised my eyebrows at this. "Really? What year?"

"Second year."

"No way, I've never seen you before." I shook my head. I'd definitely remember someone that looked almost as intimidating than Asahi, even if he looked a bit shorter. He just had a 'bad boy' vibe to him, the type that people were attracted to but were too afraid to approach alone. Those double studs in his right ear didn't help either.

"That's 'cuz I officially start tomorrow. I just moved here." He smiled at me with his eyes again. It's frustrating not being able to see half a person's face.

"Oh? Well, then I guess I'll be seeing you around. And uh, thanks for the coat and all but I need to be getting home." I frowned. I could already feel myself getting sick so I was almost hesitant about returning the coat. The guy shook his head and pointed down the barely lit street. It seems that a few street lights gave out. There was barely enough moonlight illuminating the darker areas of the neighborhood. 

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