Chapter 3

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Heyy Guys! I'm back!!! This story is extra awesome so I'm updating today! Hope you enjoy it!

I finally get out of bed today being awaken by a ecstatic X. He was literally jumping around our NYC hotel room as if he was standing on pins and needles.

"What the hell are you doing X?" I said in my grouchy morning vioce.

"I'm like getting on my skinny jeans! Can't you see that?" He said in a duh-are-you-fucking-stupid-tone.

"Now I do."

"Well you need to get up anyway its Today show time. They start at like the crack of damn dawn. No wonder they look like they live off coffee!" X said. He was telling the truth thoough. they do start at the crack of dawn.

I lookjed at my clock, 5:30. Well, yeah crack of fucking dawn. I didn't even get back from the ampitheatre unitl 11:30. I crashed right when I got in the door.

I went over to our little compact bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw that my hair was all over the place, my lipstick from last night has made me look like the joker. Yep, I needed major work. I washed my face and got in the shower. Count on the steam of the shower to wake you up gently.

I got out and X already had my outfit set out. It was a white dress crop top with a pair of Daisy Dukes. I paired that with my inifinity necklace and a pair of combat boots. X did my hair and makeup really natural. He told me that we would do something really special on the plane on the way to the Beats commercial tonight. With the things this man comes up with, only God knows what he'll do to me.

Then Holly came in and fetched us. X wanted to go and plus, he had a backstage slip so he could go. I asked if he could I mean gay best friends can tag-along anywhere right?

We finally made it to the ABC studio 1. Security rushed me in the front to sign some things for the fans.I have learned to autograph very quickly, I mean I do it so much.

Then they led me in the front door. I heard them say my name and I walked on. Savanah Guthrie greated me and we sat on the orange couch.

"Good Morning Christina!" she said happily. She was wearing a cute pink dress that day that I just wanted to snatch off of her body, but that wouldn't be nice.

"Hi!" I said. I was still waking up so don't blame me for being blunt.

"Well, it seems that ever since we saw you last year you have taken off and became a busy girl haven't you?" she questioned. What she was saying was true. Ever since last year I have been blowing up faster than my mind can process. It has been a short journey, but working trough it made it seem very long.

"Yes, I have actually." I said smiling and nodding.

"Can you tell us a bit about that?"

"Yes I can actually! I have been traveling from sea to shining sea singing and promoting my album." I paused and looked over at Holly looking for the signal. She was backstage behind Savanah so it made it look like I was talking to her still. "It finally realeases August 21st. I have been working hard the last 10 months making it." I said to Savanah.

"Well we are really proud of you here at Today. Ever since you were on the 'Tonight' Show the world has been shocked with your new song revealing break-up details. How do you respond to that?"

"I respond ot that saying that my music is going to show you raw, feelings and emotions. Without that there will be no soul or meaning to the words I am singing. That's what Justin taught me, to make my music unforgettable and to have meaning to the words I'm saying" I said. I knew that the questions were over because after that Savanah announced that I would be performing somne of my music.

Then I was rushed over to the stage to perform. The sound of screaming fans in my ear. All screaming for me and noone else.

Then I finally heard the begining music to 'Sirens' and did my usual routine to that song. I liked it acoustic. I sound natural and down to Earth when I sing it that way. Then, I saw the most beautiful brown eyes I have seen in the crowd. Those could only belong to one person. Austin.

He started singing along to the songs I was singing. I would've never thought that he would be a fan of my music. I was finally finished after I sang 'I Knew You Were Trouble'. Then I looked down at my iPhone to see a text from : AUSTINTHESEXIESTMANALIVE. Wow, that is really specific.


Meet me by the Aeropostale in Times Square.


I dunno let me check if I'm free.

I ran to Holly and asked her if I could go shopping.

"Holly, Austin wants me to meet him at the Aeropostale in Times Square? Am  I alowwed?" i asked with my puppy dog face.

"Yeah sure, just be back at the hotel by 5:15. We need to pack up, we leave for Miami at 6:45." she said. I nodded my head and ran to Aeropostale.

I finally got there out of breath. I ran into Austin who was laughing his ass off. He apparently thought that this was funny.

"What the hell do you think is funny Mr.Mahone?" I said hand on my hip.

"What I think is funny is how you ran like it was prison break." He said still chucking. He has a really cute chuckle.

"Well what do you want to do?" I said.

"Okay, first, let's take a selfie!" He said. I pulled out my phone instead. We took our pic and I posted it on Instagram. 

"Ok, now what do you want to do?" I said smiling. I was glad to actually have time off, and to spend it with Austin. He was a great person to be around really. His ecstatic laugh and stellar smile get to me and make me feel some type of way. A way I have never felt before about anyone.

"Let's chill I guess, want to go to my hotel room? I have Oreos!" he said. making a little dance to go along with it. I swear this boy knows how to make me say yes.

"Yeah sure" I said. I mean how bad could it be?

"OK, great! My hotel is like a block away. By the way, you were really good up there on stage. I'm a fan of your music." he said shyly.

"Aww, thanks! And, I saw you, you were singing along. I noticed your voice." I said, while looking around.

"Yep, well I'm not here for that long though, I have to go to Miami." He said. Looking striaght at me. I noticed just now that his arm was snaked around my shoulders guiding me around all of the pedestirians.

Then we finally made it to his hotel room.

"Well this is the holy grail, want a Coke?" he said gesturing to the mini fridge.

"No, I'm fine." I sat down on the couch in the lounge area. It was REALLY comfy.

"What do you like to do for fun?" he said straight out.

"I like riding dirt bikes, hunting, and fishing. I'm an adventurer!" I said matter-of-factly.

"I like doing all of that. It's really fun. That's what we used to do back in Texas.."

'I'm from Texas actually. I lived in Houston. I only lived there for like 2 years though, I moved around a lot because of my dad's job..." I said. Inside I was shocked that I opened up to him. I mean I had only knew him for a total of 2 hours.


After a couple of paly wrestle fights, I told Austin I had to Catch a flight and he walked me back to my hotel. Then, right when he walked me in, I saw a camera flash. Then, I saw another one.

Oh, fuck.


Heyy guys! Chris and Austin have run into some un-invited guests! Also, this chapter was 500 words longer than usual! I'm so proud of myself! VOTE VOTE VOTE COMMENT PLEASE!!

xx- Angel

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