Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Are you sure?" he said putting his hand on the small of my back. I looked him in the eye and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and then I finally said yes. I really didn't want to do anyhthing else, I mean I did just start going out with him 10 minutes ago. 

"Ok." I said. I took his hand and led him to my room. As soon as we got on the bed we both fell asleep.


I wake up and see Austin's arms around me. I bring myself closer and I hear him moan. I look at him and see his beautiful hair all dishevled, I really thought that it was weird that we ended up here so fast. 

"Hey baby.." he said kissing me. His morning voice was soo cute. 

"Hey Mr.Morningvoice..." I said turning around. He tossed me a small smirk. It was strange to think that we were already here, so far in just 24 hours. 

"Well how was your sleep?" he said stroking his hands through my hair. I could tell that was his fetish. 

"It was great, because I had you cuddling me..." I said in a cute tone. I could tell that he was just loving the fact that we were in a bed together.

"Well my sleep was better because I was cuddling you all night long.." he said kissing me again. We both simled.

"Awww what do you have to do today?" I siad. I really didn't want to spoil the moment but i wanted to know when I would have to depart from him.

"Nothing... what do you have to do?"

"A concert but after signing autographs backstage I have nothing to do.."

"When do you have to go?"

"5pm. It's already 10AM." I said looking at my phone. I cuddled up to him and I took a selfie and he was in the cutest position while in it.

"Then maybe we should spend the day together..." he said. I looked up to him and smirked.

"Sounds like a great idea!" I said. I got up and went to my closet.

"Yeah it is... I just need to run to my house ot change clothes..." he said putting his arms around me once again. I just loved the safety of his embrace.

"OK... well then let me get in the shower and then we can go..." I said. I grabbed a sea green skirt with a black lace tank. I knew that I was going to wear my black chunky heels with it too.

I went into the bathroom and stripped, Austin wanted to be on my bed ot give me some privacy, he is such a sweet boy. I don't think that it is strange that we are together and things are happening fast, I think that it is telling me that this is real.

I get into the shower and wash my body. I know that I can't wash my hair for 3 days after dying so good thing that I washed it before!

Then, after I got out I put on my clothes and put on my makeup, then  walked out to Austin sitting on the bed on his phone, probably on his twitter feed.

"I'm ready.." I said. He looked at me and his face lit up.

"Ok, you look soo fantasic!" he said giving me a kiss. I know just from our actions we are going to be very affectionate towards eachother.

"Aww thanks!" I said. I grabbed my purse and phone, then he grabbed his phone and we took his car to go to his house.

"So, we are going to spend the day together! How do you feel so far?" he said in a newscaster voice.

"Well, Mr. Mahone, I feel fantabulous!" I said. I looked down at my twitter feed to see pictures of the party last night. I knew that it had to be Kylie posting them. In fact it was....

"@KylieJenner Amazing party last night @ChrisLenni11! Luvved it!" she said. She had a picture of Kendall grinding on me. It must've been when Austin was in the bathroom or hanging out with Justin alone. Austin and I were inseparable the whole night. We were only separate an hour out of the whole hour party.

"Did you see the pictures from last night?" I asked him.

"Yeah I did. They looked good." he said looking over at me, then putting his eyes back on the road. 5 minutes passed before I realized that we were stopped.

"Ready to go in?" he said looking me in the eyes. I smiled and replied with a yes. We walked in his big beautiful house and we walked in to a red tinited haired woman.

"Austin! Honey you're home, with a girl. Hello!" She said.

"Hi.." I said. I knew that the situation was awkward, but then gratefully Austin made it better.

"Mom, this is Christina, Christina this is my mom." he said.

"Hi Christina! It is awesome to meet you!" she said.

"Aww thanks Miss Mahone!" I said.

"No please, call me Michele!" she said.

'Well Mom, we are going to be up in my room. We are going to be leaving again in like 20 minutes.." he said.

He took my hand and led me up the stairs and then we got to his room.

"Well this is where the magic happens!" he said. He kissed me also. I just loved how we kissed. I didn't know how handle myself, I just knew that this was something that I had never dreamed of in my wildest dreams. It was amazing to think of the thought that we might last through all of the pressure beign put on us through our lives.


Well I hoped that you liked that! If you want more of this story or me in general follow me on Pinterest  (BROWN_EYED_ARIES) or Twitter (Angel_Tha_Aries). Or just follow me here to get the latest updates with this story and more. Also, dear Angels please vote and comment on this story! Your comments and votes make this story better! ILYSM!!!


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