Doctor Who oc

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Name: Nurse (Grace)

Age: 28

Gender: Female regenerations 

Sexuality: straight 


Emma Watson as Nurse (Grace)

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Emma Watson as Nurse (Grace)

Likes: Her tardis which is stuck in the form of Portable cabin, exploring the earlier timelines, medieval timelines are her favorite , her flerken (yes I am know that this is from the marvel universe) named Galactus after Marvel Comic Book Character, Earth Comic books and manga, trying to make a plan of how to do into the Multverse , stars , Martial Arts , reading, drawing 

Dislikes: the fact that she keeps just bare missing her half brother after he departs , cyberman, loud people, pink , birds , basically all the enemies against the timelords

Doctor: 9/10

Friends: Galactus her flerken (because she hasn't caught to her half brother, Merlin, Arthur 

Enemies: cyberman, birds , reptiles, enemies of timelords

Species: half timelord half human

Crush/Boyfriend: open


~She can regeneration like full blood timelord , but since she is only half timelord. She take longer regenerate and she loses her memory 

~She writes everything down in a notebook and she always has it on her just in case 

~She writes everything down in a notebook and she always has it on her just in case 

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Galactus her flerken

Her Tardis but without the wheels and stairs

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Her Tardis but without the wheels and stairs

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