"I've been looking for an excuse to beat the shit out of him ever since he cut of my ponytail in Eighth grade." Keith muttered darkly, his hand subconsciously finding themselves tangled in his inky locks.

Hunk and Pidge chuckled, remembering the days of Keith with short hair.

"You looked nice without the long hair though Keith!" Hunk giggled, popping a macaroon in his mouth.

The raven haired teen shuddered, pulling his knees up to his chest as he were in deep thought on the subject. Pidge leaned in close to him, a devilish smirk twisting onto their mouth.

"Uh-oh guys, he's having war flashbacks." They cackled, earning a smack to the head from Keith. 

"Fuck off Pidgeon! But seriously Lance, tell me if he bothers you again." Keith said softly, surprising everyone on the bleachers.

A gentle hue of pink spread across Lance's freckles, a small smile tugging the corners of his lips. "Okay Macho Man." Lance chuckles, playfully punching Keith on the shoulder.


Keith and Lance walked home that day, seeing as though Shiro decided to take Adam out- they were going to do 'Normal couple stuff for once in their lives' as Shiro put it. Lance, however, didn't mind it too much, he always walked home from school back in Cuba- seeing as though his mother's back hurt too much to drive, and his father was a workaholic to come get him.

"Let's play twenty questions!" Keith announced, light-heartedly bumping Lance's shoulder.

Lance shot him a hybrid look of half annoyed and half amused, shaking his head with a gentle smile on his lips. "Fine. But you have to go first!" Lance said, jabbing a finger at the shorter male.

"Okay, okay....uhm- favorite color?" Keith asked, starting his questions off small.

"Easy. Blue." Lance snorted, a triumphant smirk on his face. "What about yours?"

Keith matched Lance's smirk, slightly shifting it more upwards. "Red, I just like how intense yet beautiful the color can be." (Same Keith. Same.) "Have you ever...gotten into a fight?" 

Lance chuckled, thinking back to all of the times he's gotten suspended or expelled for fighting with a student...or a teacher. "Yep! I've been in a lot of them actually." Lance admitted, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "If you could go back in time and stop yourself from doing something stupid, what would that stupid thing be?"

The black haired teen had to stop and think for a few moments, he's had quite the fair share of doing stupid things.

"I would stop myself from coming out in seventh grade." Keith whispered, remembering how 'Well' that went with his classmates.

"Damn...what happened? If you don't mind me asking." Lance questioned, his eyes squinting with understanding and inquisitiveness.

"Well," Keith sucked in a short, quick breath. "They made that school year a living hell for me, they painted my locker in rainbow colors. Wrote little messages on my desk, or tried to fight me. That is until Eight grade...I guess I had my 'Glow up', mainly because that summer I started working out- and took boxing lessons." Keith smirked, remembering the first fight he got into in Eighth grade.

Lance smiled, he opened his mouth to say something- only for it to die in his throat as he soon realized they were in front of the house.

Krolia was standing in the kitchen, pacing nervously back and forth as Christopher was trying to calm her actions.

"Oh! There you two are, Lance honey come sit down." Krolia instructed, her facial expression looked uncomfortable and a bit nervous.

Lance looked back at Keith, who was already heading upstairs- trying to get away from whatever...that was. Walking into the kitchen he pulls up a chair, sitting right across from the two adults.

"Something wrong?" Lance asked skeptically, looking back and forth between the two.

"Yes, your English teacher called...apparently you're already failing her class." Krolia said, her expression morphing into sympathetic. She knew Lance had trouble with English, seeing as though he told them that the first day he arrived.

Lance let out a sigh, allowing his face to fall into his forearms. "I'm sorry..." He whispered, knowing sorry wouldn't do anything.

"I know sweetie, and it's okay. But we really need to bring that grade up, and we might have a solution to that." Krolia sighed, looking back to her husband. "Keith get your sly ass down here!"

A few minutes later Keith came down, looking at everyone in the kitchen awkwardly. "Uhm...yes?"

"How is it that you're only a month into school and you already have a C in History?" Christopher asked, folding his arms across his chest and raising an eyebrow.

"Oh- uhm..." Keith pressed his mouth into a hard line, inwardly groaning. "Sorry?"

"No, not 'Sorry'!" Krolia snapped, turning her attention back onto Lance. "Lance you have all good grades except for in English, and Keith you just need to bring up that C and you'll be fine."

"So what does that mean?" Lance asked, not knowing where she was going with this.

"It means," Krolia sighed, "It means you'll just have to tutor each other."

Hello Cricket Cultists!!

Look at that, another update that was unscheduled! But seriously guys...do I give a fuck? No. No I don't! Y'all are really gonna hate Lotor...like really hate him. *Laughs evilly*

Until we meet again!!!

✓A Little Foreign To Love||Klance AuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora