As for the other girls, Tsubaki has taken them to the Sitri estate, for the time being, I have asked Scathach to look after their protection just in case.

We arrive in front of what appears to be a building that looks like a restaurant, getting out of our carriage I and Belfast looking at the building with a neutral gaze.

Sona: What do you think of this restaurant, it's one of the top ten restaurants in the underworld.

Zero: Let's see, I've seen much more impressive restaurants following my father on one of his trips in the past, but I prefer to wait to taste the food they offer first.

Serafall: You seem to be well versed on the subject Zero-chan, you seem so confident in your speech.

Belfast: That's because Master Zero is a chef himself.

Sona: Zero's food is delicious, especially his pastries.

Serafall: Oh! I want to taste it!!!

Zero: Maybe some other time.

Sirzechs: Tell me, Akatsuki-kun, where did you learn to cook? If you don't mind my asking.

Zero: I learned by watching my father mainly because he's a great chef and his work always made me curious, then when he saw that I had some interest in cooking he taught me the basics, and a few years later I learned by myself here and there.

Sirzechs: I see, if you don't mind my asking, what's your father's name?

Zero: Saiba Juuichiro.

Sirzechs/Ajuka/Serafall: What????? You're the son of the famous Saiba Juiichiro.

Zero: Wow, even my dad's reputation got this far.

Sirzechs: Of course, me, Ajuka and Serafall had the chance to taste his food at a banquet in the United States, I was shocked because it was the first time I had ever eaten something so good.

Serafall: I still remember the taste until today, I am really lucky that you are my new little brother.

Zero: Oh, you're only interested in me because of my connection to my dad Sera-Nee? I'm shocked.

I tell her, pretending to have tears in my eyes...

Serafall: No, that's not it Zero, I meant...

Zero: Ahaha, Sera-nee, I'm just messing with you.

Serafall: Huh?!

Sona laughs at her sister's expression and takes a picture of that moment, and then Serafall starts to understand that I'm acting.

Serafall: So-tan stops laughing, Zero-chan you too.

Arriving one the inside of the restaurant, the receptionist leads us to a box that is located on the top floor of the restaurant which seems to be reserved for VIP customers.

As I entered the stall, there was a large table with people already seated, whom I recognize.

A man in his thirties, red hair, dressed in white.

Zero (thought): It must be Zeoticus Gremory.

At his side are two men, a woman, and Ravel.

Zero (thought): And here it must be Lord and Lady Phenex, and the young man must be Ruval the brother of Riser and Ravel, and the next heir of the Phenex family.

When Belfast came into the box the three men seemed to be surprised by the beauty of Belfast, which I can't blame them for, even I'm not yet used to the presence of Belfast and I blush from time to time when she decides to tease me.

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