He quickly shook his head quickly, before spitting out, "My sister changed you, I promise." I felt relief, but I guess it wouldn't have matter anyway, its not like it is something he hasn't see before.

I was starting to feel uncomfortable under his intimating stare. I started to fidget a little before saying, "I think I should go home, I have a plane I have to catch tonight." Harry quickly shook out of his stare, before responding quickly, "Yeah sure, you can get some pants from my top drawer and I will take you back to your hotel."

My attention was pulled quickly by his statement. "I can call an Uber." He quickly shook his head and responding, "No, I want to make sure you get back safe." I knew deep down that this wouldn't be a good idea, but my head hurt like a bitch and I wouldn't be surprised if I wouldn't even be able to look at my phone from the bright light.

Harry must have saw the reluctance cause he quickly took a step forward and pointed to the night stand and said, "I put some aspirin there, but please I just wanna make sure you get home safe. No funny business, I promise."

I wanted to giggle at his last words, but I stopped myself before I said a quiet, "I guess." I saw Harry breathe an air of relief, before slowly walking out of the room, but not before looking behind him once again at me.

When the door closed, I sat down at the edge of the bed and moved my head to my palms. What the fuck is happening? Out of all the things that could happen this was the worst thing. Out of all the people, I had to pass out in front of Harry.

I knew deep down this was a bad idea.

I tried my hardest to recall the night and I remembered drowning down a lot of drinks after I had a chit chat with Kendall.


I couldn't help the slight jealously I felt swim through my body as I thought of the absolutely breathtaking model, who I conversed with and was there with Harry. Did she know I was here? Would she care? I wouldn't but it pass Harry to not tell her, since he seems to lie to all of his girlfriends.

I was starting to get angrier at the thought of me being here and easily letting into Harrys request of taking me back. I hated the fact that I gave in so easily. He was the last person I needed or wanted to see at this moment. After the incident at our last show, I vowed to myself that I would never talk to his lying ass again, but here I was sitting down at the edge of his bed in his white shirt.

What did I do to deserve this?

I felt another intense pain in my forehead, so I reached over to the bed stand and popped the aspirin in my mouth and shallowed it with the glass of water that was placed next to the bottle.

I closed my eyes for a second, before looking at the top drawer. I needed to get out of here.

I quickly rushed over to the drawer and pulled out a pair of gray sweatpants and pulled them over my legs. I rolled the waist, so they wouldn't slide down my legs and I walked over to the door. I took one last breath, before putting my hand on the handle of the door.

You can do this. Just let him drive you back with no conversation and you can fly back to LA and go back to never having to see his face again.

I pulled the door open to be stood in the middle of a long hallway. I walked down the hallway, as I inspected the large paintings that hung on the wall that probably cost thousands.

I heard voices coming from a room that was down the hallway, so I quickly sped through the long hallway and stopped abruptly, when I heard Harrys deep voice and a female voice.

I couldn't hear much, but i couldn't help myself from closing my eyes and bringing my hand up to my heart. This moment brought me back to the haunting moment at the last show. I hated that it still effected me, but I couldn't help my feelings.

I shook my head quickly, before walking as confident as I could muster into the kitchen to have locked eyes with not only Harry, but a brown haired girl, who looked me up and down with no shame.

I was starting to feel insecure under her gaze so I turned to Harry to see him looking at my clothes wide eyed. I finally muttered out, "Can you take me back now." I still was feeling super uncomfortable and the little confidence I walked in was immediately crushed.

I just wanted to go back home to Kathrine and cry in her arms.

Harry finally looked up at my eyes and quickly spoke, "Yeah let me just grab my keys." I nodded slowly, before looking out at the beautiful living room that was connected to the kitchen. The sun shined through the windows and as I looked out the window, I saw a small patch of sunflowers growing outside.

My thoughts were interrupted once again, but by a voice I hadn't heard before. I looked up to see the girl looking at me. She smiled at me before pulling her hand out and saying, "Hi, my names Gemma. I am Harrys sister and I assume you are Sydney, I have heard a lot about you."

About me?

I couldn't help but think of all the things Harry probably told his family about me. I was a little taken back though, not expecting that Harry had talked about me.

I pulled on the smallest smile I could muster, before taking my dainty hand in hers and shaking her hand loosely. This seemed formal and I was starting to feel even more uncomfortable as the seconds passed.

Luckily Harry came back, so I quickly walked over to him, where he lead me out the door to his car that was parked outside his house. I felt a little bad that I was being rude to his sister, but I couldn't be in that house any longer, before I threw up again.

I opened the door to Harrys car and sat down quickly and looking at the backseat to see my dress. I was pulled out of my trance at the light music that filled throughout the car, as Harry drove out of his gate.

The drive was filled of silence except for the music that played throughout the car. I was feeling even more uncomfortable and I had moved as far away as I could from Harry.

After we had driven for about ten minutes, I realized I never told Harry where I was staying. I looked at Harry to see him focused on the road with his jaw tight. I couldn't help myself from inspecting him. He definitely looked older even if it hadn't been that long. His face was more sculpted and he looked more muscular. He also had grown a bit of facial hair. He looked more mature and I only hoped that he acted more mature too.

"Where are you going? I never told you where I was staying?"

Harry must have been taken back at me talking, as when I spoke he jumped a little. He looked at me slightly, before looking back at the road and saying, "I am taking you to breakfast."


How dare he suggest such nonsense. That was the last thing I wanted. I opened my mouth to argue, but I was shut down immediately by Harry looking over at me with his dark eyes and saying harshly, "No, we need to talk."

I tried to speak again, but was drowned out by the music that Harry turned up the volume to.

How dare he!

I crossed my arms against my chest, before looking out the window. There was no point of arguing, one thing I knew about Harry was how stubborn he was and I didn't have the energy to argue at the moment.

So here I was about to get breakfast with the one man, who I knew I needed to stay away from.

I was fucked.


Get ready for the next chapter cause there will be a bunch of tea next chapter..hehe

Anyway hope everyone is staying safe!

Thank you guys for everything and remember to TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDESS!


-Lexie xx

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