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I took a deep breathe before I reached my first up to the hotel door of Harrys room. I sighed again, before bringing my fist down again. What the hell am I so nervous? Oh yeah, cause I am about to go into Harrys room to talk about my feelings, which I need to get rid of.

Maybe I can just text him that I am sick and cannot meet up? No, knowing him he would come to my room to check up on me. Curse him, for being a good person. This would be so much easier if he was a douchebag.

I took another deep breathe before bringing my hand up to the door again. I can do it. You got it Sydney, just knock on the door. What is the worse that could happen?

I pulled down my hand again and rubbed my hand into my hair. Maybe we should just talk tomorrow, it has been a long night. As soon as I turned around to go back to my room, I heard the door open.

Fuck, why did this have to be like the movies and open as soon as I was about to leave.

"Sydney?" I turned around slowly before giving Harry a small smile and scratching my hand to the back of my head. "Hey Harry, how are you?"

He gave me a small smile, before taking a deep breathe and opening the door a little wider to let me in. I gave him a small nod before walking into his room.

I was feeling extra awkward so I put my hands in the pockets of my jeans and took in my surroundings. His hotel room was about the same size as mine, but his room was neater then mine. I have always been pretty messy and I remember my mom always getting on my case for not cleaning my room. If only I could go back in time and instead of giving her attitude about it to just do the fucking thing she asked. Sometimes moments like these were the times when I wished I could ask my mom for advice. I wonder what she would say to me right now? I know she would just want me to be happy, but in complete honesty I do not remember the last time I have been completely one hundred percent happy. I do not even know if I knew what that felt like.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door closing behind me. I jumped a little, before chuckling at myself. I looked up to see Harry chuckling at me and giving me a small smile. Well, I guess he is not too upset.

"So do you wanna sit?" I gave Harry a small smirk, before nodding slowly. I watched Harry sit down on the end of the bed, as he looked up at me and patted the spot next to him. I gave him another smile, before walking over to him and sitting next to him.

Harry looked down at the noticeable space I left between us and sighed heavily. I was starting to feel awkward so I looked down at the carpet. Why does this stuff always happen when I am with Harry? I can really never make actual eye contact with him.

"Look, I can tell your scared of something. What is it?" I looked immediately and met Harrys green eyes. I was not expecting that bold question and I did not have an answer for him. Scared? I do not think I am scared of anything, just trying to make smart decisions that will not end in me being heartbroken, been there done that and it is not really something I am thinking for again.

I just stared at Harry mindlessly, before blowing a long breathe. "I don't know what you are talking about."

I heard Harry sigh heavily before replying, "We both know that is bullshit." I looked up quickly to not expecting him to act like this. He is angry, but why?

I finally had the courage to ask Harry, "Why do you care so much? All I would be to you is just some hookup, right?" I regret those words coming out of my mouth as soon as the exited my lips, when I saw Harrys stern facial expression.

He stood up abruptly from the bed, before pacing in front of me. "Are you fucking blind?"

I felt my eyebrows furrow and I stood up in front of Harry and reached out for him. He stopped and looked up at me, before speaking again. "You are not just some random person I want to hookup with. I do not know what this is or what it could be, but I want to explore this. You cannot tell me we do not have chemistry." I looked down immediately at his words, knowing he was right. As much as I have tried to deny it, he was right. We had chemistry, I don't just kiss random people for the fun of it. I have been attracted him from the second I saw him at the party with Camille.

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