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626,783 likes/24,007 comments

{sydney.cross) me right now

kathrine.scott- hottie

cooper.jackson- you look stunning

selenagomez- can i have some 

fanaccount- so pretty

lovelysyd- hope you are having a blast

jefezoff- as you deserve

hater- ugly bitch

                              24, 000 more comments...

      As the music blares through my ears, I laugh at one of Jeffs jokes. Jeff is a super fun guy to be around and I cannot believe I was ever intimidated by him. I look around the club we are in and see all of the bodies on the dance floor grinding together. Some people making out and practically cannot get their hands off each other. Not the place guys, but I guess they either do not give a shit or they are super drunk. Either way not the most pleasant sight. I have never been that big on PDA, which was one issue I had with Cooper, when we dated. Whenever we were out all he ever wanted to do was grab on me, which made me uncomfortable. He did not give a shit if it made me feel weird though. I especially know that now since that night at the bar back at home. I am still super grateful Harry was there, even if it was quite the surprise.

      Speaking of Harry I haven't see him since the concert. When we all decided to go out to celebrate, we decided to take separate cars. My team and Harrys team. It was Curtis idea, which isn't much of a surprise, but I get where he is coming from. I want to be successful without being rumored dating Harry. That would not ever happen anyway.

     The concert was a blast though. I danced with Harrys makeup artist, Lou the whole night. We were at the side of the stage singing and dancing without a care in the world. I was on cloud 9 and I did not give a flying shit what anyone thought. Especially when Kiwi came on. Me and Lou screamed the lyrics and I am surprised it did not mess up Harry's performance. I am pretty positive the whole arena could hear us from backstage.

     It was super fun and I haven't felt that free and in the element in a long time. It was good to feel free for once. Not worrying about my social media presence or my career, just being the crazy person I am.

     I felt a slight tap on my shoulder and I looked to see Harry giving me one of his signature smiles. I took in his appearance quickly to see him in black jeans and a grey button up. In such a simple outfit, he still looked like a god. He was fascinating, but my trance was interrupted by Harrys deep voice. "You having fun?"

     I flashed him a smile before nodding. "Yeah I am having a blast also I never told you how good you were this afternoon. " I wasn't lying though. He is a natural on stage. He danced with the crowd and with the band. He was running across the stage laughing and making banter with his fans. His vocals were also impeccable. He has such a stunning voice.

     He took a quick sip from his drink before giving me a small smile. "Thank you and you did incredible as well." I felt my cheeks flush and quickly took a sip from my drink to try and cover up the blush in my cheeks. He chuckled at my reaction before putting his drink down and turning towards Jeff to chat with him.

     I took a deep breathe, before turning around to a conversation Lou was having with some of Harrys bandmates. I fake laughed at a joke that Lou had told, as I thought about Harry. He had some effect on me that I have never felt before. He made be like I have never felt before with a guy, not even Cooper. Whenever we talked, I always felt giddy and like I had no control over what I was saying. I could look at him and start blushing furiously. I barely have had a proper conversation with him and I felt all of these weird feelings with him. It was infuriating not being able to control my emotions, whenever I was around him. I want to be able to control my feeling about him, but my heart has different ideas.

     I looked over my shoulder to see Harry staring at me. His beautiful green eyes staring at my brown ones made me want to pass out on the spot. He waved me over and felt a drop in my stomach. I took a deep breathe, before downing the rest of my drink. I was going to need as much help as I could to survive a proper conversation with this sensational man.

     When I reached him, he quickly put his arm around me and angled down to my ear and spoke. "You wanna get loose." I giggled at him before nodding. He gave me a small smile, before taking my hand and leading me to the dancing bodies on the floor.

      I did not know what song was playing but I started to sway to the music as soon as we reached the dance floor. Music always makes me feel free and blissful. I always let loose when I dance to music.

     I was caught off guard, when I felt hands grasp my hips. I looked behind me to see Harry smirking at me. My breathing started to get heavier, but I kept up my movements. This seemed to encourage Harry to move closer to me. We were now practically grinding on each other. I did not know what to do. The logical thing to do would be to move away, cause he is technically my boss but, my brain was feeling a little foggy from the alcohol. Instead I moved my hips harder against his stomach.

     This seemed to encourage him more, as he leaned in closer to me and started to thrust his hips back at me. At this point, we were full on grinding on each other, without a care in the world.


      The rest of the night was filled with lots of drinks, laughing, and dancing with Harry attached to the hip. As the night went on touching Harry became very normal and by the end of the night we could not get our hands off each other.

      We both were too drunk to give a shit of what we were doing. We did not care about all of the glances at us as we sang 'Baby One More Time'  obnoxiously on the dance floor. If you heard the way we were singing there would be no way you would think we were both professional singers.

     We also did not seem to care when we left early to go back to the hotel together. We both got a car together and sang drunkly to the rider. We made the man crackle at us and I bet he was super grateful, when Harry gave him 500 dollars.

     We danced up to Harrys room together and ordered more drinks. By the end of the night we were prancing around his room like lunatics.

     By the end of the night we were both practically naked with our limbs enter-wined like a pretzel on his mattress.


Well shit! haha :)

Things are finally starting to heat up between the two of them! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I am sorry for how long it is compared to my other chapters.

Vote and comment if you enjoyed!

Have an amazing night or day for whenever or wherever you are reading this!

-Lexie xx

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