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After that embarrassing moment in Harrys dressing room, I tried to stay as far aways as I could from him. It was kind of hard though because all of the sudden Harry was attached to my hip. I did not know if he was just messing with me or all a sudden he wants to spend every living second with me. He sat with me on the plane, when he usually sits by himself. He also took me to my room, when we got to the hotel, in silence and then just left. I seriously do not know if I should be weirded out or flattered.

What was even weirded was during rehearsals, he was creepily just watching me perform in the back. I could feel his eyes burning into me every move I make. I am surprised I do not have permanent holes in my back.

When rehearsals were finally over I looked to the back to see Harry getting up and leaving the venue. What the hell? What does this man have planned.

My thoughts were interrupted by a bing in my back pocket. I reached to the back on my pocket and retrieved my phone. The text message on the screen left me more confused.

Harry: Go back to the hotel, I am taking you out x

I felt my brows furrow. Why does he want to take me out? Doesn't he have his own rehearsals he needs to get to? You know what, fuck all the questions. When I am with Harry, I feel free and happy. I might have developed a crush on the man, but he really does make a good friend. I need to start living in the moment. Most people cannot say that Harry Styles invited them out for a hangout. So without another thought I typed out a message and ran out of the venue, where Harry was waiting for me.

Sydney: I will be there in 5.


"Ah, shit!" I looked up to see Harry looking down at the ice cream stain on my shirt. He started to chuckle at my clumsiness and I playfully pushed him away.

I am super glad I decided to come out with Harry. When I got back to the hotel, I was met with Harry in the lobby waiting patiently for me. I tried to ask him where we were going the whole car ride but he always replied with, "a walk."

So here we are at a field walking together. We stopped and got ice cream, after I begged Harry to stop, since I did not have breakfast this morning. There was no point of getting it though, since half of it ended up on my shirt.

I thought it was a little risky to go out in public with him, but I am glad I decided to. I have had a super fun time and we have gotten closer.

I stopped walking when I realized Harry was not next to me. I looked behind me to see Harry laying down in the field of sunflowers with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful. I just kind of stared at him for a little bit.

His button up shirt showed a little of his curly chest hair. His scruff had started to get a little bit longer and it was now growing to the nook of his neck. His long slender fingers were laced together on his chest. I noticed all of the rings on his fingers. I wonder what they mean? I finally decided to stop being creepy and I walked over to him and sat down criss cross next to him.

Once I had sat down comfortably I looked to see Harry staring at me. His green orbs were brighter because of the green atmosphere we were in. As I looked in his eyes I noticed something, I have not seen yet.


Whenever I was around Harry, he always seemed to be carrying something on his back. I could tell by the way when he laughed how his eyes never matched his smile or the way his back slouched, when someone brought up their significant other. It was obvious to me that he was going through a heartbreak.

It was refreshing though to see him relaxed and calm. He looked in his element and I have only seen that before, when he would go on stage. Laying in these sunflowers he looked happy and perfect.

My inspection was cut of by the words coming out of Harrys mouth.

"Your beautiful." I looked down immediately feeling a blush come on my face. I was never very good at taking compliments, especially ones from Harry.

I finally had enough courage to look up and I was taken back by how close Harry was now. He was leaning on his shoulder and his face was only a couple inches a way from mine.

My breaths started to become uneven and I felt my cheeks flush harder, but I could not find it in me to pull away.

The more thinking I was doing the closer it seemed Harry got to me. I felt like I was going to have a full on panic attack. My breathing was becoming uneven and my heart felt like it was running a marathon.

When Harrys bottom lip came in contact with my top one I swear I almost passed out. What really took the icing on the cake was when Harry whispered lightly, "May I kiss you?"

I was taken back at his question. Why the hell would he want to kiss me? No, stop thinking like that.

When I am with Harry I feel free and like I can always be myself. I now knew in this moment that this wasn't a small crush anymore. I was falling for this man and I was falling hard. The only issue was is I did not know if he would be the one to catch me in the end.

My thoughts were becoming blurred and I took a leap of faith by moving my lips to his. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my stomach.

As our lips moved together Harrys hands grasped my burning cheeks. I followed his lead, my hands grasped his chin and I deepened the kiss. It felt so good, but what did this mean? I needed to stop overthinking everything, but I could not help it, it was who I was.

When I felt Harry roll on top of me I swear I could not breathe anymore. Here we were in a field of sunflowers kissing freely. I did not know what any of it meant, but right now it was just me and him together.

We were in our element.


YAY! Only twenty chapters in and they finally kiss!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and give it a vote if you enjoyed!

Have an amazing day or night and remember to TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS!

bye! :)

-Lexie xx

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