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As the stage lights shined on me, I closed my eyes and started to sway with the music. As the chorus started to approach, I undid the microphone from the stand and started to walk to the left of the stage. I was so in my element I did not even realize the crowd that was starting to form.

"Feel like I'm always apologizing for feeling

Like I'm out of my mind when I'm doing just fine

And my exes all say that I'm hard to deal with

And I admit it, yeah"

When the song started to end I heard a couple claps coming from the audience. I opened my eyes to see Harry and Jeff giving me a round of applause. I felt my cheeks blush, so I quickly turned away to give the microphone back to the stage manager. He gave me a quick smile, before hurrying off the stage.

I collected my water and music sheets and walked off the stage as well. I was trying my best to ignore Harry still. I was so embarrassed from the incident in Glasgow. Of course out of all the people, I had to think Harry slept with me! Like I remember us being super drunk, but he probably would never want to sleep with me.

I have finally admitted I had a minor crush on him, but that is all it can ever be. Not only is he technically my boss and can have me kicked off the tour whenever he pleases, the tour is not really that long and most likely I would never see him again.

The best way to handle this tiny crush I had on him was to stay away. I would only talk to him, when I had to. That shouldn't be to hard, right?

For Fucks sakes, I'm on tour with this guy. Probably my best way to handle this is to never have a drink around him again. Yeah I have now fully remembered everything that has happened that night. From the laughs, the dancing, and the singing I just wanted to go die in a hole.

"Hey Sydney." Fuck, ok be calm.

I turned around quickly to see Harry smiling brightly at me. I felt my cheeks blush immediately and looked down quickly. I hated the way he had this effect on me.

I finally looked up to say a quiet, "Hey." He chuckled at my shy response and continued.

"You sounded super good up there. You really do have an amazing voice."

I giggled softly before replying to his compliment, "Thank you, that means a lot coming from you." He gave me a bashful smile, before clearing his throat. He brought his large fist to his mouth and coughed quietly before giving me a smirk.

"Was wondering if maybe, you wanted to go out tonight?" I felt my jaw slowly drop and my eyes widen. I am sure I looked stupid, but I did not expect those words to come out of his mouth. Last time we talked, I made a complete fool out of myself.

Without even realizing I nodded slowly. Well, shit. It's like my mind is saying one thing and my body is doing the complete opposite.

Harry gave me a toothy smile, before replying, "Awesome, I will pick you up at eight. Meet me in the lobby, ok." I gave him a small smile, before nodding.

He turned around slowly to go to the backstage area to practice his set. I watched him walk away. Dang, he has a good butt.

Oh for Fucks sake, shut up Sydney!


"Then I face planted on the stage." My laugh filled the restaurant we were in. Some people were staring at me weirdly, but I did not care. I was having a blast with Harry. "Oh gosh, that sounds so embarrassing." He nodded, before breaking out into a toothy grin.

When Harry had asked me out for dinner, I had a small panic attack, but I called Kathrine and she talked me through it. I ended up spending the rest of the day with Kathrine on facetime. She kept telling me how this was a date and all, but I knew it wasn't. Maybe Harry just had a fun time with and wanted to be friends? I am not his type.

I hate to be stereotypical, but I am not an idiot. He dates skinny gorgeous models. For fucks sakes, Camille was absolutely gorgeous and I am pretty positive he dated Kendall Jenner. I in no shape or form think I am ugly, but I am not up to his standards. I am just his opening act that blushes at everything he says or does. Yeah, I really need to stop doing that.

Harry cleared his throat before asking, "What got you into singing?" I cleared my throat before telling him about my family and how my mom always enjoyed singing. This was how our conversations were going this evening. We were just talking about our interests and getting to know each other. I always felt so free when I was with him. Like at the bar that night, I might have made a fool out of myself, but I do remember letting go and having a great night. I was not tense and stressed like I usually was. It was a great feeling that I had missed, something that I was grateful Harry brought back to me.

"Why did you say that in past tense, does she not enjoy it anymore?" I stopped talking immediately and looked down to the ground. "Uh, she died last year." Harry eyes immediately widened before grasping my hand across the table and whispering, " I am sorry, did not mean to intrude." I squeezed his hand, before shaking my head with a tight smile. "No your good, I do not mind. She was an amazing women and deserves to be talked fondly of."

Harry matched my happy expression, before digging back into his food. The rest of the night was filled with laughs and amazing conversations. I felt so happy, when I was with him. He made me feel like it was only us in the world. He was also a gentleman. When the bill came, he refused to have me pay. It was so refreshing to be around someone, so caring and nice.

When he walked me back to my hotel room, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me he would see me for the show tomorrow. I felt my cheeks blush, when his lips came in contact with my skin. I would not be surprised if they were permanently stained that blush color. I felt all giddy and happy inside, when he left. What the hell was wrong with me? I have never felt like this before.

I knew deep down I was in trouble with the man. I was falling and there was nothing I could do to stop it.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I kind of ran out of ideas, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Vote and comment, it really helps!

Also thank you for all of your support, it means a lot! :)

-Lexie xx

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