Chapter 20 - Finally Dead

Start from the beginning

"He's dead? You've got to be careful, my papà will come after you when he finds out."

"I am prepared for that. I have the loyalty of everyone who was loyal to Antonio and I have Leonardo Catalina to help."

"You better hope that is enough. I can't let my papà know I am still on your side or he won't let me leave," she says and Vinny frowns.

"I will help you. I will contact you again tomorrow to keep you updated. Stay safe," he tells her.

"You too, goodbye."

He hangs up and gives Luca his phone back.

"Emilio," Vin says to get the man's attention. "Alessandra's papà is going to be after us when he finds out about Antonio."

"I'll call Leonardo and warn him," Emilio says and leaves the room to call him. Matteo and Luca both sit with their heads in their hands as we wait for the doctor to tell us about Giovanni.

"Are you okay?" I ask Vincent quietly as I hug him.

"I am fine. I just really need Gio alive," he says as he rests his head on my chest. "He is the innocent one. It is so unfair that he got hurt."

"I know, but from what I know about him, he'll pull through. He's so strong he stood up and shot Antonio while he was about to pass out. You should be very proud of him," I say and Vinny nods.

"I am. He saved us all."

We sit down with Matteo, Lorenzo, and Luca as Emilio comes back in and says Vin has to go see Leonardo soon about a plan against Alessandra's dad. I'm worried about that, I can't have him in danger again.

We all have to wait two hours before they come to tell us Gio is out of surgery and in a room. He is in intensive care because of how much blood he lost but we can go see him two at a time so Vin and Lorenzo go first. Emilio sits next to me and I get nervous because he's quite scary.

"I'm glad Vin has you," he says which shocks me.

"Thank you, I'm glad I have him too," I reply.

"Even after you got kidnapped because of him?" Emilio says with a laugh.

"I'd do it all again if it meant I could stay with him. I love him so much and I'll always stand by him," I say and Emilio gives me a sad smile.

"My wife was the same. She wasn't mafia but she accepted it because she loved me. Please be careful, I can't let Vin lose you," he says and I nod.

"I'll be safe from now on. Vin said he wants to teach me some self defence in case I have to," I tell him.

"Good idea. You should learn to shoot a gun too."

"Maybe, that scares me a bit."

"It always does at first, but it's unlikely Vin will let you get in a situation where you will have to use it."

"I hope not."

"You're one of the family now. We all will protect you because you are just as important as our Cappo."


"Of course. Although it's your job to look out for us too."

"Yeah I will. You're my family too," I say and he smiles.

"Damian Romano, it has a nice ring to it."

"Maybe someday I will marry Vincent," I say.

"You should, then other mob bosses will have even more reason to leave you alone. Some of the other families are homophobic, but we don't really care because you are a good person."

"That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me," I laugh.

"We are nice people once you get past the mafia part."

"That is true."

Vincent comes out and Emilio goes to see Gio. I notice Vinny is on the phone so I stand next to him and wait for him to finish.

"I know you hate me and want Antonio to lead but your son is on the hospital and you should come and see him," Vin says angrily. He must be speaking to Giovanni's parents.

"So what if he supports me? I am the Cappo now."

"Good, I will see you soon," he says and hangs up.

"Giovanni's ma is coming but his papà won't come until I leave the hospital," Vin says as he rolls his eyes. "So can we go home now? To your house?"

"If that's what you want to do, you still owe me a pizza," I say and he smiles.

"I can do that," he says. He tells Luca to call him if they need anything and we go out to my car. I drive us to my house as Vincent tells me how he will make the pizza.

"You go and get changed while I start cooking," he says so I go to my bedroom and get changed into sweatpants. When I go back to the kitchen, Vin has taken off his shirt and I can see the bruises from his dad's beating. I don't mention them because I don't want to dampen the happy mood.

"The dough needs to rise for a while so can you help me chop tomatoes for the sauce?" He asks and I nod. He tells me how to dice them into small cubes and I do as he says as he cuts up toppings. He cooks the chicken in a pan and I almost moan at he delicious smell, suddenly remembering we haven't eaten since yesterday.

I enjoy cooking with Vin. And the pizza is really good when it's finished. He didn't lie when he said he was a good cook. We demolish most of the pizza and leave the rest for leftovers for tonight. It's only just after lunch now so we both lay on the couch together and relax.

"I love you mi amore," he says as he hugs me tightly.

"I love you too sweetheart," I say and kiss his head.

So it was Giovanni who shot Antonio! He's a brave guy!

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