The Perils of Being An Older Wife Part 1

Start from the beginning

And reality sunk in, I was two years away from 40. Whatever attracted Aug to me after the 40 mark hit, was going to fade.

I see beautiful women. Day in and Day out come into his office with their children. Some of them think they slick. Their not coming there just for their children, but to see Aug.

And I never let that get to me. I always reminded myself that he loved me. And the bond we had was strong. But after today, I just don’t know if I believed that anymore.

The fact of the matter is that the older I got, his attention would slowly be diverted to younger women, and suddenly I just regretted this whole thing.

Why didn’t I find some old ass man 20 years older than me, that could get the senior citizens discount while I was still in my prime. To him I would still be attractive because hey, he wouldn’t have that much longer to live anyway. 

I just hopped in my bed got under the covers and cried. I hated being the older wife. And I wish I would’ve considered this when we first met, instead of listening to my stupid heart.

“Mommy.” Auggie ran into my room in his Elmo onesie and climbed up on my bed. It was a little tall so it took him a minute to get up there. He never liked me to help him. He always said, he could do it.

“Yeah Auggie.” I wiped my eyes.

“Why you cry?” He furrowed his little eyebrows.

“I got a cold and my eyes were running.”

“Oh. Me hope you feel better.” He kissed my forehead.

I smiled at how sweet he was.

“What you want tho buddy?”


“Nothing?” I laughed.

He shook his head no.

“You just wanted to come in here and bother me?”

He shook his head yes and giggled.

“Come here you…” I tickled him and he laughed wildly.

“Can I sleep with you?”

“You heard what Pop-Pop said.”

“He no up here.”

“Yeah. Get under the covers.” I lifted the covers up.

I cut off the lights and we went to sleep


“Amber that is a horrible idea.” Tanya said as she fixed the pillows on her couch we were sitting on. Her and Rell had moved into a beautiful house, not too far from us. I hadn’t seen her in forever because I had been busy with work and the kids, but I needed to tell her about this.

“I don’t think so. I think it’s something I need to do.”

“Plastic surgery? No. You are not one of these brainless Hollywood chicks. You don’t need it. You’re already beautiful.”

“You’re my best friend, you’re supposed to say that.” I rolled my eyes.

“And Aug thinks you’re beautiful. He says it all the time doesn’t he?”

“He just says it to say it. I know he wishes I was younger and smaller. But hey he bought the cow and now he can’t get a refund so, he puts up with it.” I took a sip of the wine I was drinking and swished it in my mouth before swallowing it.

“You sound dumb as hell. I have never seen somebody so into a woman the way Aug is into you.”

“Was. When he was younger and didn’t know any better. Now that he’s older it’s not the same.”

“No you’re imagining it’s not the same. He still loves you the same way.”

“Does he? If he’s sitting up there lusting over some younger woman who he went to school’s with ass? I just wish I considered all this before, because if he ever cheated on me it would just…just break me.” I broke down.

“Amb. Amb.” Tanya hugged me and I cried into her chest. “Plastic surgery is not the answer tho.”

“It is.” I lifted my head off her chest. “How else am I supposed to compete with these younger girls.”

“That’s the problem you don’t need to compete. You already got his heart.”

“What good is that if I don’t have his attention?”


“I already made the appointment for my consultation. It’s Wednesday. I would love for you to come, but if not, I’ll still be there.” I left her a sheet of paper with the information on it and walked out. 

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