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It's been a week since the kiss. A week since the two talked. A week of no contact with one another.

A week of misery for the two.

Osamu couldn't bring himself to talk to her yet, the same went for (Y/N). Many people thought they had split because they have never seen the two go this long without talking, or even making eye contact.

"You two are killing me!" Atsumu exploded one day. He and Osamu were laying in their backyard after practicing by themselves. "You and (L/N) better get yourselves together because I am tired of grumpy-'Samu."
"I'm not grumpy."

Atsumu gave him a pointed look. "What happened with you and (L/N)? Did you two break up?"
Osamu shrugged.

Atsumu sighed. He got up and threw the volleyball at him before entering the house.
Osamu flinched at the ball. He didn't even try to catch it, he allowed it to hit him. Sighing, he just stared at the stars.

- - -

They has called the plan off. There was no point of it if (Y/N) didn't like Atsumu anymore. The two barely talked. A quick greeting in the hallways and that was it.

(Y/N) was in her father's hospital room. He had fallen into a comatose state. The doctors didn't know if he'd wake up. She told him everything; the plan, her feelings, Osamu. Often she would fall asleep by his side. She would wake up and find herself holding her fathers hand with both her hands while being a mess.

The hospital staff all knew who she was. They often had to force her to eat. They all noticed that she was falling into something deep. She didn't eat, she barely slept. She cried a lot. She was hurting inside.

The few times she wasn't at the hospital were when she was at school or at practice for club.

"Sweety," one of the nurses called. She broke the news to the young girl. The young second year had to make the decision to unplug her father or keep him going.

The nurse held the girl in her arms as she cried. Tears dripped down her (skin/tone) face. It absolutely broke the nurse's heart.

- - -

The day he was plugged was the day (Y/N) was now alone on the world. His funeral was days later. Many people showed up. (Y/N) didn't cry. She stood there, silent.

When she entered her house, it was a different story. She cried for who knows how long. But when daylight came, she smiled. The warmth of the sun hit her face. In her head she could hear her parents voices...

Be brave. Be strong. Be kind. Be loving. We love you.

Once again, her parents were together again.

- - -

I just hit 300 followers- we bouta celebrate? Also sorry for sad chapter. I just needed to do something about her dad-

Anyways, what yall want to celebrate 300? I can give my socials out, write like 5 chapters and post them today or tomorrow. Erm, follow some of yall? Let me know!

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