Chapter Eighteen | Since We're Friends

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She nods. "I know who you are." She's studying me, waiting for me to say something.

"I'm just grabbing something to go and I saw you so I thought I would say hi and maybe sit with you while I wait." I'm rambling and must look like a fool right now.

"Ok." She cocks an eyebrow at me "Why did you think that?" There's a glimmer of amusement in her eyes as she's making me sweat. She's enjoying this.
Her response takes me aback as it wasn't what I was expecting. Geez, she wasn't the warmest person that's for sure.

"To be honest I'm not sure. I just thought cause I'm Adam's friend and..."

"That makes us friends now too?" She cuts me off.

"Well no, I mean yes it could. I don't know. Sorry I bothered you." I turn to leave, deciding I don't need to have someone make me feel the way she's making me feel right now. Like I'm an annoying fly. I feel that way enough at home.
Just as I'm walking away I hear an exaggerated sigh. "You can sit with me." Her voice sounds light and softer than it did moments ago.

I turn around unable to hide my smile as I slide into the bench across from her.
She continues staring at me making the uncomfortable flutter come back.

"So, how was your hang out with Adam today? Did you like the barn?" I ask her trying to start a conversation under her scrutinizing gaze.

She raises her eyebrows at me. "It's barely been over and hour and he's already told you about it?" She asks.

"No, no oh no." I sound like a bumbling idiot. "I just knew that's where he was taking you. It's kinda my spot."

Her face softens a bit and she smiles, tilting her head to the side her eyes narrow. "You seem nervous."

"I am. Not sure why." I meet her eyes. "You're not super easy to talk to, to be honest, you were making me feel like an idiot."

She starts laughing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm usually alone and clearly need to work on my people skills."

I nod rubbing the back of my neck, that's an understatement.

"So I see you hanging out with Olivia a lot."
She says it more like a statement than a question.

"Ya, we're seeing each other." I feel my cheeks heat up and my heart race. Just thinking about Liv makes me flush. She's so kind and not to mention beautiful.

"By the look on your face I can tell you like her." She muses.

Ellen walks over to the table with a paper bag in her hand and I'm happy for the interruption.
"Here's your dinner, darling." She places it in front of me and gives me a smile.

"Thank you Ellen, tell Jack I say thank you and I'll see you guys soon."

Once she leaves I focus my attention back to Angela who was watching my interaction with Ellen.
"So I'm going to head out now. Thank you for letting me sit with you. Enjoy the rest of your night."
I start to slide out of the booth grabbing my food.
I stop when I hear Angela speak.

"It was nice chatting with you, friend." She teases, emphasizing the word friend. She gives me a warm smile and I beam back chuckling at her words. "Since we're friends, you can sit with me anytime you'd like." I look at her face and meet her eyes as she says this. There's a sadness there that I hadn't seen before.

I nod my head. "Thanks." I give her a last smile as I leave.

Pulling into the drive I can see a light on in the living room.
Shit, he's home. I was hoping he would be out.
I had done a pretty good job of avoiding him after the day my mom left.

The walk to the front door seems to move to quickly.
I quietly open it hoping he won't hear me.

"Welcome home." His voice bellows from the other room.

Closing the door I put my food down and walk towards the living room. Not wanting to piss him off by avoiding him to his face.

"Hi." I say as I stand in the opening not wanting to step inside the threshold of the living room.

"Where have you been all fucking evening?" He spits his words out with anger, more than normal.

My eyes scan the living room and that's when I see it. On the side table there's a syringe, spoon and powder.
This is a new Liam. I've never seen him do heroine before.

My heart starts racing and it all happens so fast.
Liam jumps from the couch slamming his body into mine sending us into the wall and hitting the ground hard.

He's on top of me with my arms pinned under his legs before I can react I feel his fists begin to pound into me. I'm struggling with my arms trying to gain any leverage I can, but it's getting hard to breath with his body weight and the continued hits to my chest and sides. My yells tearing through my throat. I continue trying to wrench my arms out from under him.

By some miracle I free my right arm and send my fist up to the side of his head sending him tumbling off me. Scrambling to my feet I step back from him as he gets up, blocking the front door.

He starts smiling, that same twisted smile.
"You've got some fight in you. I don't know if that makes this more fun or makes me a little more angry." He takes a step towards me. "If you want to fight we can fight." He says looking down at my clenched fists. "I'll make you one promise though. When she comes home she's dead." He smiles showing his yellow teeth.

I feel tears prick my eyes as his words hit me harder than his fist just did.
All the fight in me leaving, I hang my head down and my shoulders slump forward.
I can't fight back, he's going to keep that promise. I know he's capable of it.

"I won't fight you, Sir." My voice just above a whisper. As my eyes focus down on the floor in front of me.

His foot steps come right up to me and he grabs my chin in his hand forcing me to look him in the face.
His eyes glazed and pupils constricted.
My eyes prick as the smell of alcohol fills my nostrils.

My headlights shine bright on the barn and I get out letting out a yell as I place weight on my left foot.
I fight to keep my balance as I hobble to the second story and collapse on the floor. Not bothering to make it to where I store the blankets.
My whole body is in pain. I don't even know how I managed to get out and drive myself here.

A shiver runs through my body as the cold night air hits my body. I'll freeze if I don't get the blankets. I stand back up, letting out a scream as hop over to the corner where I keep my necessities. The noventa jostling my body in a way that makes my injuries come to life further.

I lay out the blanket and sit down with the first aid kit and my change of clothes.
Taking off my bloody shirt I start dabbing disinfectant on all the open wounds. Gritting my teeth and hissing.
I place my belt between my lips as I get ready to put some on one of the 4 new cigarette burns he left me.

The belt barely muffles my screams.

The last thing I do is wrap my ankle.

I pull out my phone and see it's after 2am.
That twisted bastard tortured and beat me for almost 5hrs. Only stopping to drink, smoke and shoot up while he lectured and belittled me.

I feel a liquid running down my cheeks and realize I'm crying.
My mind starts flashing back to what I just endured, to what I've gone through my whole life.

I can't stop the tears now as the sobs rack through me.
I've never cried so hard my chest vibrating sending pain through my body, an ache in my heart.
I lay down and curl into myself as the River of tears continue from my eyes.

Crying for the childhood I never had.

For the mother that I loved so much.

For the same mother that would leave me with a monster.

She hadn't even called me yet, just sent a few text messages.

Crying, feeling powerless against him.

I don't know how long I laid there but eventually the sobbing stopped and my eyes got heavy as I slipped into darkness.

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