You, Me and Him?

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Gabriel's POV

He kissed my lips. He stole my first kiss. Hecc! I love him too! I kissed him back with more confidence and it we stayed kissing for about 5 minutes I guess but I don't care anymore. I heard the the door opens and my parent came in to see us kissing. The red dragon didn't let go and I could feel something hard, poking my slit. Oh my! I need it so much! Before we could even go any further, Papa and Daddy separates us from each other. I feel lonely if I don't feel his touches.

I made grabby hands to the red dragon which he also tried to reach mine. My dad snarls at him while papa take him out from the house by force. "No please don't go! I..I love you", I shouted but Papa locked the door before he pushed the red dragon outside. "Gabe!! I will be ok!! Don't worry about me! I promise I'll be back!", he said before my parent beats him and my brother came too. He kicked the dragon away as the last hit and I saw the dragon is on the ground. He's weak and I don't want him to go! "Argy!", was all I yelled before I fall unconscious.

I woke up from the nightmare immediately with a lot of sweating on my body. I got up and saw the identical red dragon below me. I shook it off because I don't want to remember it anymore. I tried to get off of him but something was too deep inside my slit. "Ahhh....", I moaned as it feels so good everytime I try to move my lower body.

He seems to be awake too by my movements and I feel something inside my slit is getting harder. "Ahhhh!!", I moan again and pushed him off of me. It was hard for my slit but I tried my best and managed to get off of him. As soon as I did, he slams me back to his embrace and my slit engulfs the big meat of his again. He grunts and huffs a little as it seems like he released something. That was when I feel the thing inside my slit shot it's hot liquid into my slit which made my stomach a little sick and my belly bulged a little bigger.

Damn....whatever he did, it made me want to have more. He opens his eyes and stares into mine. We locked our gaze and he gave me a soft smile which I gave him back my blushing smile. "Morning~ My Gabe~", he said as he kiss my cheeks and starts to get up. I was hoping to get off of him but it seems like I'm still stuck to his lower half. "Can you let me go?", I said and hopes that he will because my stomach is getting hotter all of the sudden.

"Sorry but no. You'll stay with me from now on", he said and shoves his chest to my face.  I buried my face in defeat as I'm powerless against him and he could outwit me easily. "Also thanks for the help with my morning wood~", he said as his chest puffed out in pride, giving out soft vibration which made me feels calm. "What's a morning wood?", I asked him in low tone as I'm very intimidated by his dominant aura.

"Ahahah. You seem older by your appearance but you're younger than I remembered", he said but I shrugged it off as I don't really understand what he said. Has he met me before? I was too lost in thought as I think more about him but he came to a stop and opens the door to the same dining room. It still impressed me by how big it was and everything seems expensive. "You're hungry my little dragon?", he nuzzles my neck, gaining my attention which I simply nods. "Awww ok. Let's have our breakfast". As he sit us down on the chair but with me still stuck to him, the maids came in with food on the tray. They were all placed on the big table in correct order which made me drools at the food that appears as they take off the cover and lids.

"I'll feed you hun", Argus said and brings some meat near to us. He cuts it to small pieces and took one of it to my mouth. I was hesitant but I slightly open my mouth and he shove it in gently. As I chew on the meat, the taste overwhelmed me as it was never as good as my Papa's cooking. "You seemed happy~", a lion said and takes a sit next to Argus. "Well he made me whole again", Argus said back to the lion. "Hehe. So how was your mating?", the lion said but I don't know what was it as I keep gobbling up my food. Argus seems to choke a little and I gave him my water.

"Thanks baby", he took it and sips it slowly but he spits it out on the floor which made it release a weird sizzling sound. "WHO THE HELL POISONED MY BABY'S DRINK?!", Argus said very loud and I was startled by him as I was extremely scared by the content in my water. "Let me take care of this Argus", the lion said and inspects the melted carpet. "If you get the guy, don't finish him. I'll be the end of those who tried to kill my baby!", Argus roars again and gets up with me as I finished my food.

As we're got out, he let go of my slit and I saw what was inside of it earlier. I blushed deeply at the sight of his cock slowly going back into his own slit. "Sorry baby. I was angry but not at you. Anyway, this is my garden", he said and turns me around to see the beautiful garden with lots of flower. The air is fresh and scenery is very heartwarming. I sit on a bench with Argus next to me. He holds my hand tightly which made me hold it more tigher. Equiste used to do this to me so it's a challenge whenever someone holds my hand very tight.

I look around at the flower but Argus taps on my shoulder. "What is it?", I said as I turn around. Then he kissed me on the lips. This feeling that was the same as my nightmare came back. My heartbeat skips faster as he kissed me more deeply with his tongue getting into my mouth easily. I kissed him back and our tail wraps around each others. Suddenly, someone separates our kiss. I was more than suprised to see who was it. "Chris..."

(Aww shit here we go again)

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