He chuckles. "Yes and yes." He answers.

I smile. "See, I know stuff." I reply playfully as I raise my right leg and place it on his desk.

He chuckles before his gaze drops on the foot resting on his table. He shakes his head and push my leg away from his desk, and frowns.

"This behavior is not acceptable. You can't just place your leg on my desk, I'm the–" I cut him off before this turns into something more.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I did it. It was stupid and I apologise." The apology is sincere but I want to know how he'd react to it.

"It's okay. Don't do it again."

I grin because I know I'm getting to him.

He continues with his explanation. "The covens are arrange in hierarchy, the power flows in the chart-"

"I don't understand what you are trying say, can't you just use examples," I shrug. Examples are always the best.

He sighs and nods. "Okay, the witches from the Scorpio Coven are the most powerful while the witches of the Gemini Coven are the least powerful because they cannot cast a spell or use magic without each other." He explains.

I nod in understanding. "Explains why Ari and Brie are always together, are the witches from the Gemini Coven always creepy, you know, like the creepy twins?"

He chuckles. He sure do keep a happy mood. "They are not creepy, and not all Gemini witches behave like that, Brianna and Ariana are just..." He struggles for the right word. "Special in their own way."

"So the Covens are named after their birthday and zodiac sign?" I ask curiously. It is one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. It's like the whole magical system is nothing but a big fat joke.

He nods. "Yeah, and I don't know how they got it. Like how Ariana and Brianna represent the Gemini Coven, Penelope represent the Cancer Coven, Alyssa the Virgo Coven, you don't know the remaining students but I'll tell you the names of the Covens-"

"I know the zodiac signs, thank you, you don't have to.. What about me, I'm born on the sixteenth of November. Does that make me a witch from the Scorpio Coven?" I ask curiously.

He laughs and shakes his head. Well I don't see the humor in this. "You don't belong to any Coven."

Okay now I'm confused. I know I'm not a witch or anything, but he's convinced I'm something, so why the hell am I not in a fucking coven?

I frown. "Why? I thought you said all witches-"

"Yeah all witches but you aren't just a witch." He tells me.

Did I just hear him say I'm not just a witch? Like I'm a witch and something else?

Three days ago I didn't know I had powers or even have powers. I still don't believe that this place is filled with people with powers. Except from Roman's telepathic display and tripping from Penelope's trip spell, I haven't see any display of real magic.

My mouth drops open. "Say what now?"

"You are a part witch, I'm still figuring the other part." He informs me.

That's convenient.

"I thought powers are pass down, does that mean my parents are witches?"

"Trust me Corinne and Richard are very much human, but if you are a witch, you'd be in Roman's Coven, the Scorpio Coven."

Why am I afflicted with Roman?

"Oh, I know Corinne and Richard are human. You know I'm adopted right? They aren't my real parents. Wait, does that mean my real parents are witches and something?"

I never once thought about my real parents because I appreciate what my adopted parents is doing for me even though I'm a fucking headache. The point is they never cross my mind, my real parents. I never wonder about them. Is it weird that I'm just thinking about how someone gave me up?

"Could be." He answers but his eyes seems dead. Gone like his thought are far away.

"Okay, who else is a Scorpio?"

He sighs. "It's just Roman in the school, which is why I've asked him to mentor you."

"Okay." I'm curious about what's inside the Hexcraft. "Can I keep this?" I touch the Hexcraft.

He reaches for it. "Come get it after detention." He reminds me.

Detention, I almost forget about that.
"You need to work on your control. I don't know why you haven't sensed your powers yet but trust me, Camille, you have." He tells me, "anyways," He snaps his fingers and stand up. "You should join Roman and I in morning training, you'll learn stuffs."

"You want me to join you two in training, I think it's a very bad idea."

Bad in the sense that I don't like waking up early to do any exercise. I'm lazy to the core.

"Good!" He claps his hand like he didn't just hear me decline his offer. "Now go serve your detention."

I pout. "Do I have to?" I whine.

He nods. "You punched a student, Camille."

I roll my eyes. "Don't remind me. She was being mouthy and a bitch."

"Like I said earlier, Camille, we don't tolerate the use to such languages. And I know what kind of person Penelope is. You can go now."

He whistles and his door opens revealing Roman.

"Headmaster Wallace." He greets.

"Hey Roman, like we talked about. Camille." I look between the two guys and shake my head.

The Vale जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें