Chapter 4.

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Its been six months since Coach Coran helped the Pidge join the Altean Academy seven months ago. He even placed her in the old single dorm room that luckily was opposite Shiro and Keith dorm. 

The rest of the baseball team was uneasy over having an ex galra academy player join them, definably when they knew she well 'he' was the star pitcher of the team. Everyone else expected her to cheat or harm the others during a game making it hard to find a place on the team.

But Shiro didn't give up, he knew Pidge wasn't like her old team .. she proved it during every game against Galra Academy. Keith backed him up and well he became friends with her too, finding out she was a girl and helping to keep it hidden. 

After a month of Pidge joining Altea Academy baseball team, she got a place on the team as a pitcher. Keith was happy to let her take his spot since he enjoyed batting way more then pitching, he had a good arm making him a great batter but he was forced being a pitcher too. Now he can focus being the fourth base and the team star batter.

During their first pratice game of Pidge being their pitcher, they won and well that won the team over. They noticed her trying to work to be fair team and well they welcomed her friendly.

Now, she part of the baseball family. She made friends with Hunk and Lance two friends to Shiro and Keith and well she happy. Hunk seems to have guessed she a chick after reading a letter from her brother and noticing him call her sister not brother. Lance was an idiot and still had no clue, even walking into her dorm when she only had a towel wrapped around her .. he took no notice and just stole her shave cream before walking back to his dorm. 

He really was an idiot .. but she was a good friend just like Hunk, Keith and Shiro. 

She felt lucky to be apart of their group and well she felt proud of the person she was when she was with them. 

Yes, she had to keep acting like a boy, binding her chest and keeping short hair but she got to keep playing baseball. She was happy and her brother helped to keep her secret over joining Altea Academy and playing baseball. Her mum still thinking she the perfect lady in training in galra academy while her dad thought she was starting a new life in glara academy and going easy on her knee. 

Keith and Shiro froze as a girly scream filled the air, both glancing to each other before turning to the wall that separated the dorm room next door. Hunk and Lance dorm room to be correct and the scream came from inside.

"Pidge walked in on Lance changing again" Keith sighed as he pulled his grey polo top back on properly.

"She normally knocks before entering since we are guys and well Lance isn't embarrassing over his body. Don't forget we had to make a rule over him only allowing to be naked within school grounds in his dorm room, the team changing room and no where else on school grounds" Shiro replied as he did his silver belt up, both males now fully dressed.

"Shopping day" Keith mumbled as he grabbed his red leather day, it was a lovely Saturday morning meaning they group of friends would leave to the city to shop for fizzy drinks, junk food and anything they need for the week. The school dorm chefs cooked their three meals for them but every Saturday they spent it getting self supplies that they needed or just snacks and drinks for their rooms. 

A Pitcher with a Secret (Shidge)Where stories live. Discover now