
"No! I'm not leaving!"
"Natalie, I'll get the helicopter, just go!
There wasn't enough room in the truck for all of us. Someone was going to have to wait for the helicopter. Natalie and Taylor had to get to safety, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Jeff died when he could have lived. I opted to stay and wait. Jeff didn't have a say in it as he was forced onto the truck as soon as I made my decision. Now, me and two soldiers were trying to pry Natalie's arms off of me.
She was hysterical.
"I'm not leaving without you!"
"Yes you are, now go!"
I gave her a hard shove and she fell right into the soldiers' arms. They quickly forced her into the truck and drove off.

"Damn..." Mark said. "So what happened then?"
I watched as Natalie wiped a few stray tears from her eyes. Amanda patted her back.

"I got on the helicopter and joined the army. I asked all over for Natalie, Taylor, and Jeff but I never found them. Nobody knew where anyone was, it was too crazy out there."

Suddenly, I heard pops and sand started flying out of the ground. Bullets.
"Shit!" We ran towards a destroyed car and got behind it.
Natalie grimaced and kept her head down as bullets pelted the car.

"It's the damn Russians! I don't think they're too happy I killed their commander!"
I gave her a look.
"You think?!"

Amanda appeared beside me. "Helicopters six minutes away!" I simply nodded.

Five minutes had come and gone, and we were starting to get low on ammunition.

I grabbed my radio.
"Nightstalker, we need you NOW!"
"We're 10 seconds out, we need you to mark you're exact position.
I motioned to Mark, who threw a canister that released red smoke.
"Nightstalker, we're behind the destroyed car! Anything in front of it, fuck it up!"
Dirt flew into the air as rockets and bullets hit the ground in front of us.
After a few seconds, the helicopter stopped firing and landed.

We didn't dare turn our backs to our attackers so we backed up towards the helicopter.

Suddenly, a Russian burst out of the smoke and aimed his weapon.
Jake moved out of position.
"Bronco look out!"
Jake pushed Natalie to the ground before two bullets pierced his chest. The bullets tore through him and came out the other side.
He fell to the ground.
"Shit! Candle!"
Amanda reacted quickly, shooting the offending trooper in the head.

I went and got into position next to Mark.
"Grinch! Bronco! Take Candle and get him on board, we'll be right behind you!"
Amanda nodded and started to drag the groaning Jake back.

Not two seconds later, Natalie appeared next to me.
I looked at her incredulously.
"What are you doing? I told you to go!"
Natalie shook her head.
"If you think I'm leaving without you a second time, then you're on crack! I'm never leaving your side again!"
There wasn't time to argue. I just nodded and after getting the okay from Amanda, we slowly backed away and got on the helicopter.


Natalie looked on as me and Amanda tended to Jake.
"Thank you for saving me Jake. I'm sorry I lead them to you, I should have made sure I wasn't followed..."

Jake reached up and grabbed her arm.
He shook his head.
"Don't be, we had a job to do and we did it."
He nodded in my direction.
"Besides, we love and highly respect David. Knowing how much you mean to him, we would have all fought to the death for you."

I smiled. "I appreciate that man, thank you."
Jake smiled back, but grimaced as Amanda put her finishing touches on him. She had sewn his wounds shut and wrapped them in gauze.
"You'll be fine, but you still need proper attention once we land."

I sat on the watchtower, looking at the sunset.
It had been a week since we got Natalie back and everything was as perfect. Well... as perfect as it could get with a war still going on.

Everyone else got to catch up with Natalie and I got to catch up with Jeff and Taylor.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and smiled as Natalie sat next to me.
"I requested a transfer, I'm part of your team now."
I grinned "Really?! That's amazing!" I pulled her into a tight hug.

After a while, we separated and looked at each other. To this day I still don't know why I did it. All I knew was that I wanted to be with Natalie forever. So I kissed her. She kissed back.

After a few seconds, we pulled away and
Natalie leaned her head on my shoulder.
"I'm never leaving your side again."
"And I'm never leaving yours."



P.S. for anyone that's actually served in the armed forces, I am so sorry you had to read this. I realize how "Hollywood" it must look.

David and Natalie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now