Chapter Four: I was a poet and I didn't even know it

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"You look fine." Ava said, for the tenth time.

"But what if-"

"No 'what ifs', you look nice and it's casual. What more do you want?"

"I don't know, it's just..."

"I know you're nervous about your date with him-"

"It's not a date!"

Ava threw a skeptical look at Elizabeth. "Anyway, I know your nervous but have fun. This is your chance to get to know him I suppose."

Elizabeth frowned, looking at herself in the mirror again. She had chosen a pale green drop waist dress with some gold heels, her hair was slightly curled and her make-up was natural looking. It was only a casual night out.

"It's just one of your friends parties, why are you worrying?"

"Because it's at a night club, which means paparazzi."

"So it's not just a normal party? God you famous people are weird..."

"I wouldn't class myself as famous Ave." Elizabeth said cringing, sure she'd been in a few fashion magazines and walked a few runways which of course she was proud of, she still considered herself a nobody and actively avoided the paparazzi. 

Ava rolled her eyes before looking back at the television. "True, famous people would have more friends...ow!" She cried, rubbing her head. She glared at the brunette that scurried away before picking the pillow up that had been launched at her. "dumma flicka ..."


Staring at his mirror, Steve-O too had the same problem. "I know it's only a casual thing, but am I too causal?"

Johnny sighed. "When you said to come over for important business, I thought you meant jackass business. I have been misled."

"Don't be a dick! This is serious." Steve-O frowned. He was wearing some jeans, his usual vans and just a grey t shirt.

"You look fine, that's casual. She was told casual, everybody wins." He said, throwing himself on Steve-Os couch.

"Yeah, yeah you're right."

"When am I not?"

Steve-O sprayed himself with some cologne. Checking his phone, he had a text from Elizabeth.

Hi. I'm here, which room? :)

He quickly replied.

206 :)

Five minutes later there was a hesitant knock at the door. He rushed to answer it but was cut off by Johnny. "Why hello theree" He drawled in his southern accent. "You must be the Ms.Elizabeth we've heard so much about, please do come in." He grinned at her, mock bowing. She slowly walked in, giving them weird looks.

"T-thank you?"

"Now my name's Johnny Knoxville," He grinned again, grabbing her hand to shake it. "I'm just here to check you have good intentions with my boy Steven here. Steve-O rolled his eyes. Typical Johnny. 

"Shut the fuck up Johnny," Pushing him out the way, he grabbed his jacket and guided Elizabeth out the door. "I'm sorry about that, he's a bit of a dick."

Elizabeth laughed. "No, it's quite alright. I'd have to meet your friends sooner or later right? And I think it's sweet he's looking out for you."

"It's not sweet when he does it every single time, now come on, let's party!"


The nightclub was loud and dark, just how Steve-O liked it. He held onto Elizabeth's hand so they wouldn't lose each other. He couldn't help but notice how well her hand fit into his, or how beautiful her tanned skin looked against his pale skin. He shook his head, getting rid of those thoughts. He was going soft...

"Hey, I'm going to get a drink. Want one?" She asked him, smiling up at him. He asked for a beer.

He watched her order the drinks, watched as she tapped her fingers, bit her lips. Her green eyes seemed brighter against the neon lights, more alive. Her dark hair looked like waves of silk against her dark skin, her lips full and bright. He had never imagined himself as a poet, but in this moment he felt very much like Robert Browning.

She walked back over to him, drinks in hand, eyes only on him. He had never noticed before how straight her nose was, how long and thick her eyelashes were or how her nose was covered in little freckles due to the LA sun.

"Are you okay?" She asked handing him his beer. He nodded, sipping his beer. "You sure you're okay?"

"I've only just realized how truly beautiful you are." Steve-O said, staring into her eyes. He felt like she was staring into his soul, his very being. She titlted her head slightly, not quite understanding him. "I mean I thought you were hot when I first saw you, but I've just realised how beautiful you actually are." 

Something flickered in her eyes. "Let's dance." She said, eyes still on him. Grabbing his hand she led him to the dance floor, drinks abandoned.

It felt almost surreal to him, he knew the nightclub was packed but he could only see her. Could only feel her. She felt the same way as she stared into his blue eyes, she couldn't look away.

They were pushed together, her hands on his chest, his hands on her waist. Their lips only inches apart. She leaned up, he leaned down.

"Smile for the camera!" A loud, obnoxious voice shouted at them. Turning their heads, they were blinded by several cameras.

"Fuck, it's the paps!" Steve-O muttered, pulling Elizabeth after him. They quickly exited out of the back.

He felt dizzy after what had just happened, almost faint. Looking at Elizabeth he knew she felt the same way.


"Let's just go, alright?" Fuck...


Elizabeth had remained quiet through out the whole car journey and it was eating Steve-O up. Did she regret it? Was she mad? Upset? Did she like it?

"I'm sorry..." She finally said, breaking the awkward silence. "I'm not sure what came over me in there." 

Steve-O felt his heart sink.

"I shouldn't have acted like that, please forgive me." 

"You're forgiven." A lump grew in his throat and it pained him to swallow. She nodded, eyes still on the road. Looking at her through the corner of his eyes, her eyes seemed dull, her skin pale.

She dropped him off at his shitty motel, they awkwardly said good bye and she left.

Neither of them slept very well that night.

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