Chapter 7: Failed

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Beca's POV

"Damn you, Chloe!" I shouted as she stormed out of my dorm, laughing her ass off.

I think she didn't heard me.

I sighed and went to the mirror and saw a face of a girl, brunette and pale.

It's probably me.

Then that's when I saw my face, reddish. So red that it almost looks like blood.

I touched my face and it began to hurt.

I winced.

"That red head bitch." I mumbled.

I wonder why Stacie wants Chloe to come to her dorm? I mean, I should be there too right? I'm the leader of the Bella's. Wait... I'm the one who refused to go with Chloe so I could work on my mixes. Ugh. How stupid could I be?

I rolled my eyes and decided to just work on my mixes for the radio station.

I jumped on my bed and turned my laptop on and put my huge headphones on my ears.

Just I was rummaging though my playlist, I suddenly saw the song, wait no, our song. The song who won't leave my head alone for days. It makes me remember him. Again.

Only that person who could make me smile whenever I had a bad mood that no one could make me happy.


As the thought of his face flood through my head, I smiled.

I clicked play and the song came playing.

Won't you, come see about me, I'll be alone, dancing, you know it baby.

I really miss him. So damn much. Even it's just been a few hours after we spent the best midnight of our lives behind those bushes, I'm missing his lips, his touch. His handsome face. Most especially the sound of his sexy voice.

I want to stop the music but I can't.

Tell me, your troubles and doubts. Giving me everything, inside and out.

What if he's here? I'll kiss him. For sure. But full of doubt.
I can't be with him. I already told him why. And besides, I'm leaving Barden soon.

I know, I lied. I told the girls I won't leave. But I will. I need to lie. Even if I don't want to.

Stop. The. Music.

Don't you, forget about me, as you walk on by, will you call my name?

That's it! I had enough!

I turned the music off and grabbed my pillow and threw it to wherever it lands to.

I screamed. I yelled.

I was cursing and screaming horrible things.

Why can't I trust boys anymore? Why can't I be with Jesse even though I want to? Why can't I face him without trying to hold back my tears?

What the fuck is wrong with me!?

I wasn't like this before he came into my life. He's the only one who could make me act like this.

"Fuck you Jesse!!" I screamed multiple times.

I can't explain how or what I'm feeling.

Anger, sadness, depression and.. Joy?

What the heck?

Why am I screaming horrible words to him? Who am I kidding? It's not his fault we can't be together. But it is his fault why I'm acting like this.

Both Of Our Hearts       Believe (Pitch Perfect Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ