Chapter 5: Asking and Stubborness

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Jesse's POV

"So, where were you this midnight?" Benji asked, while fixing his Star Wars posters.

"Grocery." I mumbled.

"Oh really?" He said, raising his left eyebrow and not taking his eyes off his posters.

"Yeah." I said, as I flipped my laptop and searched through my songs to play.

"What took you so long then?" He removed his eyes off the posters and smirked at me.

He knows I'm lying.

"The line at the cashier was so long." I said.

"You're bad at lying." He chuckled.

"Shut up." I said, still rummaging through my songs. I can't find anything to play.

"Yeah right. So, what did really took you so long?" He looked at me, straight in the eye.

I looked away at my laptop and stare back and him and he just laughed. "Bitches?" He asked.

"What? No." I said, looking back at my laptop.

He sees that I'm completely ignoring him for a reason. And he knows that reason because his face suddenly lit up.

"It's Beca, isn't it?" He says, smiling like an idiot.

I looked at him for a second and looked back at my laptop again and breathe heavily while gulping my saliva. I felt tense and my hands are shaking.

"I knew it. So, how did it went?" He said, grinning and sitting on his bed infront of me and looking interested, as hell.

"Fine." I said, with my hoarse voice.
Then I finally found a song. Me and Beca's song, to be honest. That made me smile. I suddenly remembered what happened and a tear escaped from my eye.

I clicked play.

And the song won't leave my head.

"Dude, I know it's bad. Just tell me what happened." He said.

I turned away from my laptop again and stare at him, too straight in the eye and said, "promise me you won't tell anyone."

"Promise." He almost shouted, without wasting any second.

Then something suddenly hit me in the face and said, "nah, I changed my mind."

"What?! That's not fair!" He yelled.

"Shut it." I chuckled and listened to the song while daydreaming about Beca.

I want her to be mine. I want me to be hers. I like her a lot.

I want to gain her trust. To promise to never leave or hurt her. I want to be with her forever.

But I can't do that unless..

I immediately turned the music off, shut my laptop off and rush to get my jacket near the door.

"Woah, what's the big rush?" Benji suddenly looked up at me.

"I need to call someone. I'll be right back." I said, and with that, I ran to the door, went out and go straight outside campus, to the grass and to the tree Beca and I used to sit.

I sit there and picked my phone from my pocket. I unlocked it and search from my contacts. I found her name and called her.

I put the phone on my left ear and I heard someone answered it.

"Hello?" The voice said.

"This is Jesse." I said.

"Hey, Jess. What's up?" She asked.

Both Of Our Hearts       Believe (Pitch Perfect Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن