Chapter 10: The Agreement

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Jesse's POV

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep.*

*Beep Beep!*

"Dude! Could you keep you keep your alarm down?" I hear someone annoyed says.

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*

"Dude!" That voice again says and I felt a pillow hit me in the face.

"What the hell?!" I say as I suddenly perked up and opened my eyes and saw Benji, across in his bed.

"What?" I asked blankly.

He rolled his eyes and pointed at my alarm who's beeping endlessly.

"Oh sorry." I said as I reached for the alarm clock and turned it off.

"Why did you set your alarm anyways?" He groaned as he flipped in his bed again to make himself comfortable.

"I don't know, I think it just--" I said casually and I cut myself as soon as the realization hits me. Dammit, how could I forget?!

I looked at the clock and gasped. 10:35 am.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed.

"Wow, the day is just about to start and you're already cursing." He says sarcastically.

"I'm damn late!" I panicked as I jumped off my bed and rushed to the bathroom.

"For?" He says and I ignored him and started to get ready.

As soon as I'm done taking a bath, I put on clothes and a jacket. I went out of the bathroom and grabbed my jacket, as I was about to leave the dorm,

"Where you goin?" Asked Benji who's playing with his Darth Vader figurine.




"Woah, you guys dating already?" He asks, a bit shocked.

"What? No. It's just a friendly lunch with her." I blushed.

"I can see that you're being friendzoned by a hot badass." He says and I swear, I'm about to punch him in the gut.

"Shut the hell up." I mumbled and he laughs.

"Good luck with Beca, though!" He says as I went out of my dorm.

I sigh and walked to my car and hoped that I would turn this lunch amazing for her.

Beca's POV

"BREAK TIME! I'm hungry!" I shouted.

"But we haven't perfect the-" Aubrey quickly protested and I cut her off.

"Are you tired or not?" I asked.

She started to think and says, "no!"

"Good! Because I am." I snapped and walk towards one of the chairs near the piano.

All the girls sighed and followed what I did. They all disappeared from the position of the performance we created and started piling and sitting down the chairs and drinking waters.

"We haven't did the-" Aubrey says again and a voice interrupted her.

"Aubrey please, we're all tired. We need a break." Chloe pants.

Phew. Good thing Aubrey and Chloe made up already last night and they're not fighting anymore.

"Fine." She snapped and sit at the same chairs the girls were sitting.

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