Chapter 12: Bump and Screwed

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Stacie's POV

"The carnival is located at London, if you may ask." I said on the phone, walking to my dorm with my bag on my left arm.

"We're going to London just to do that Carnival plan with Beca and Jesse?" Chloe asked, shocked.

I laughed and say, "yeah. But we're also there to have fun, so don't worry."

"I should've never agreed to do the plan with Jess and Becs." She groaned.

That's right. She finally agreed to join us with the plan. The moment Beca and Jesse slams the door to leave for their lunch a while ago, Chloe gave up and says she'll join the plan.

But I really don't know what made her agree with joining the plan. I wonder what she ate that made her change her mind?

"Chloe, this plan is gonna work. By the way, our flight is scheduled two weeks from now. We all have to be there on the airport at exactly-" I explained the details to her but someone cut me off by a man bumping on me.

We both fell on our butts and the inside on my bag got spattered on the floor. Including my make up, powder, mirror, lip stick, foundation and some other make up things.

"Holy shi- oh I'm so sorry." The guy said, which I think is a member of the treble makers. He had glasses on and a tan skin.

He looks.. cute.

He pick up the things that fell from my bag. He puts them inside my bag and helps me up.

"It's fine." I say, fixing my skirt.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." He said.

I smiled at him and say, "it's fine, I swear." I paused because his face looks familiar. "You're Donald, right? From the Trebles?"

"Yeah. And you're Stacie, from the Bella's, correct?" He says, extending his left arm on mine.

"Yes. Wait, you know me?" I asked, shaking his left hand, feeling myself blushing.

"Of course I do. You're the one who sang with me a year ago in the Riff Off." He smiled at me.

"Oh, right. I remember." I smiled back.

He laughs and said, "you have a really great voice."

"Thanks." I smirked.

"So, uh.. By the way, do you wanna.. Uh, um.. Wanna hang out or eat somewhere?" He asked, nervously. Scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, sure. When?" I grinned.

"How about tomorrow?" He asked.

"Uh, sorry I can't. I have Bella's rehearsal tomorrow." I smiled sadly.

"Oh. How 'bout on Friday?" He asks.

"Sounds good." I smirked. "Where?"

"Wherever you want." He smiled brightly at me.

"Okay." I say, grinning like forever.

"Um, I think the person you're talking to on the phone already hang up." He smiled, pointing at my phone.

"I know." I laughed. "So uh, I have to go now to my dorm. I really have a lot to settle for something." I say, looking at his bright eyes.

"Yeah like you're flight to London two weeks from now?" He says.

"How did you.." I trailed off.

"I heard you talking before I even bumped on you." He grinned.

"Eavesdropper." I giggled and glared at him.

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