Chapter 4: A Midnight To Remember

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Beca's POV

"Really, Chloe, this many!? What made you starve and made you pick a dozen of Cheetos!?" I exclaimed while chuckling.

She grabbed Cheetos and said, "I don't know. Maybe it was like, I was so drunk last night."

I scoffed and said, "what's it got to do with that? I drank 6 bottles and you just drank four. So I'm more drunk last night than you think." I smirked at her.

Chloe began to laugh and said, "and you almost sleep in that bar, you know."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't care. It's the least I could do to get my mind off him. And yes, I'm more drunk than you are but I don't make out with strangers like you do." I said, chuckling and crossing my arms.

"I do not!" She exclaimed.

"Yes you do! You want me to prove it?!" I scowled at her.

"Yes." She said.

"Maybe later." I winked at her.

"Fine." She said, raising her tongue at me. I laughed and punched her in the shoulder and we continued to tease each other and laugh for minutes.

Until I felt eyes on me. I don't know where or what is looking at me. I just had a feeling. I turned around and looked at my back but no ones there. I looked at my left but no one was there too.

I looked at my right and that's where I saw them. Those sweet blue eyes I use to adore and makes me nervous every time I saw it.

That ocean blue eyes. And the man who use to make me smile every time, the boy who made me like movies. I never expected to see him after what I did to him last night.

His eyes, staring at me.. Making me feel.. Loved? Wait.. Why is he here? Did he followed me? Is he not yet over me? Doesn't he know that no matter what he does to get me back, we can never be together! What the fuck!?

"Beca, are you alright?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked around and saw Chloe, with her concerned eyes.

"Huh? What?" I asked.

"You've been staring at something. Is someone there?" Chloe said, looking at the direction where Jesse is a while ago.

"What are you staring at?" She asked.

I looked at the same direction and saw that he's gone.. Where the hell is he!? Even though I want to forget about him, I just want to see his face one more time and say goodbye. Huh? Did he ran away? Wait.. I think it's just my vision of him or I'm daydreaming about him again.

"N-nothing.." I mumbled.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yeah." I faked a smile.

"Whatever you say.." She sighed.

And continued to grab some snacks.

I looked at the push cart full of chips and gasped. "Chloe! I think that's enough!" I said, stopping her and pulling her hands away from getting more chips.

"Ugh, please!?" She groaned.

"No! Enough." I almost yelled, laughing.

"But-" she started but I cut her off.

"No, shut up." I snapped at her and grabbed her arm and pulled the push cart away from the section of chips.

"Ugh. I hate you." She groaned.

We continued to get some food until I stopped Chloe from getting some. So we payed our groceries and head to the parking lot to get our groceries into the car and drive back to campus.

Both Of Our Hearts       Believe (Pitch Perfect Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt