Chapter 51

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Following morning Goku sauntered into the living room towards Vegeta. The two exchanged a smile and glanced at their sleeping daughter cradled in Vegeta's arms.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Goku asked raising his brows at Vegeta. They had both agreed that he'd wake up to feed their daughter, allowing Vegeta to get more sleep.

"Thought you could do with an extra lay in after last night," Vegeta smirked, he carefully placed their daughter in the small moses basket.  "Something tells me you enjoyed it," he bit his lip seductively whilst glancing back at Goku.

Goku grinned and wrapped his arms around Vegeta's waist, "Wonder what makes you believe that?"

The two started to kiss each other, slow and softly, it was comforting in ways that words would never be. Goku's hand rested below Vegeta's ear, his thumb caressed his cheek as their breaths mingled. They could quite happily melt away in that kiss alone. Their bodies pressed together feeling their hearts beating against their chests. A slight stir from in the Moses basket caused them both to pull away and quickly check on Eschalot. She was suckling on her hand in her sleep and occasionally kicking her legs. Her fathers stared down at her in awe before quietly walking away not wanting to wake her.

"She actually slept the whole night surprisingly," Vegeta quietly spoke and smiled over to where their daughter was sleeping.

"Yeah...guess I was a lil loud," Goku tittered and rubbed the back of his neck.

Vegeta gaped at Goku before pinching the bridge of his nose. "I didn't mean that- although yes, you were loud."  He grinned and let out a light chuckle whilst heading towards the kitchen.

Goku followed Vegeta into the kitchen, his face slightly red. He gave Vegeta a nervous smile, "Sorry."

"Don't be," he glanced over his shoulder and smiled before he started wash the bottles that were neatly stacked by the sink.

"Hm," Goku tapped his finger against his chin, whilst approaching Vegeta from behind. "Maybe I can return the favour later, if you're up for it?" He lightly sucked on the side of Vegeta's neck.

Vegeta almost dropped the bottles. His body tingled all over, as Goku continued to suck and brush his tongue against the sensitive part of his neck.

"Kakarot, s-stop!" Vegeta bit hard on his lip feeling his cock starting to get hard as Goku continued.

"What's the matter?" He brushed his lips against Vegeta's ear and trailed his hands towards Vegeta's crotch.

Vegeta rested the back of his head against Goku's shoulder, allowing Goku to explore his body with his hands. He rubbed his backside against Goku's crotch and let out some pleading whimpers. The touches soon stopped which caused him to let out a grunt in annoyance, he frowned at Goku who chuckled and kissed his now flushed cheek.

"Later babe, not now," he hummed and stepped away from Vegeta who was stood sulking.

Not impressed by this, Vegeta spun on his heel and crossed his arms. "You bastard, you got me worked up for nothing!"

"It was just a small taster of what's to come," Goku winked and grinned at Vegeta who pouted and looked away from him.

"I hope you two are not fighting when you have your newborn around!" Chichi bellowed as she stormed inside their house.

The couple furrowed their brows at each other before rushing into the living room, to see Chichi stood tsking at the pair. Vegeta glared at her as she stood near the Moses basket. Before he could open his mouth to question who she thought she was storming into their house uninvited, Goku stepped forward smiling nervously at her.

"Oh hi, is everything okay?" Goku cocked his head to the side glancing at her frown.

Chichi pursed her lips, she chose to ignore Vegeta's glare and smiled at Goku. "Just checking to see how you are all settling," she turned around glancing down at Eschalot sleeping.

"Well, she's slept the whole night through," Goku smiled.

"That's good to hear," she nodded slightly and glanced back at the couple.

Vegeta gritted his teeth watching as Chichi was talking to Goku. He could tell she was pretending to take interest with the forced smile on her face, "Cut the crap," he scoffed and watched as the two gaped at him. "Why are you really here?" He glared at Chichi.

"Vegeta," Goku frowned at him.

Chichi pressed her lips whilst folding her arms, "Can I not come and visit-"

"No!" Vegeta snarled not allowing her finish her question. "You wouldn't just come here unannounced like this, just what are you scheming?!"

Feeling awkward, Goku gulped and smiled nervously at the two. The pair were glaring daggers whilst balling their fists.

"Vegeta, just calm down," Goku held out the palm of his hands and looked down at their daughter starting to stir.

Chichi gave Vegeta a smug grin, "least Goku is more welcoming, you are just being a dick for no reason."

Goku sighed as the two started to bicker, he gently lifted Eschalot out of the Moses basket as she started stir and cry.

"Chichi, why are you really here?" He frowned at her whilst handing Eschalot to Vegeta. "Because if it's just to cause an argument, I suggest you leave."

"If you must know, I was letting you know that Bulma and I will be organising your wedding," she huffed crossing her arms.

Goku gaped at her, he wasn't sure how to respond. He looked at Vegeta who had managed to settle their daughter. Vegeta shook his head and let out a quiet mirthless laugh.

"Of course you two interfering bitches would make such a bold plan," Vegeta shook his head at her, "we don't need your help."

"Oh yeah? And what have you two planned so far then?" Chichi raised a brow at him.

"Something that doesn't involve you," Vegeta looked down at his sleeping daughter in his arms, and glanced back at Goku. "Do me a favour and escort your bitch ex out of our house, our daughter is trying to nap."

Goku sighed and looked back at Chichi who started to glare at him, "maybe visit another time, as you can probably tell Vegeta is still a little exhausted from-"

"Kakarot, don't you dare blame me! She had no rights to storm in here!" Vegeta growled at him before comforting their daughter again as she started to stir.

"I'll speak to you both again, when someone has chose to be a bit more respectful to their guests," Chichi huffed and stormed out the house.

Goku rubbed the back of his neck and blinked in slight bewilderment. He turned to face Vegeta who shook his head at him and stormed out the room with their daughter.

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