Chapter 50

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It had been a week since their daughter had been born. The two moved back into their home after Vegeta fully recovered from the birth. Bulma offered to have their son stay over hers for a couple of nights, allowing them to find a routine with their newborn. The first few nights after the birth were tough, but they had friends and family on hand to help. Now alone in their home with their daughter, the two were prepared for a sleepless night; recalling how exhausting it was when their son was born. Goku offered to help by doing most the night feeds. So whilst he prepped the bottle, Vegeta bathed Eschalot to help settle her for bed.

Goku ambled into the nursery with the bottle, and seen Vegeta cradling their daughter. His eyes welled up in happiness, watching his mate and soon to be husband smile broadly at their daughter. He approached them both, placing his hand on Vegeta's shoulder and glancing down at their daughter cradled in Vegeta's arms. She was suckling on her hand waiting for her feed, than paying attention to her parents who were staring at her in awe.

Vegeta looked up at Goku and furrowed his brows seeing tears forming in Goku's eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Hm, just thinking," he kissed Vegeta on the cheek.

"Well that's not usually a good thing-" Vegeta chuckled and glanced down at Eschalot, "especially from your dad," he smiled and kissed her on the forehead before gently passing her to Goku.

Goku smiled cradling Eschalot, he glanced over watching Vegeta starting to walk out the room. "Vegeta, I can't wait to marry you," his smile widened as Vegeta turned to face him and grinned. His attention moved back onto Eschalot who was starting to get impatient waiting for the bottle.

Vegeta sighed blissfully watching Goku feeding their daughter. "I love you too," he hummed before walking out the room.


Half hour later, Goku had managed to settle Eschalot down. He strolled into the bedroom and yawned ready for bed himself. Unsure if Vegeta was asleep he chose to leave the light off and started to strip down. His breath hitched as he felt a warm naked body press against his back, soft kisses planted along his shoulder. He bit his lip tilting his head to the side enjoying the sensation. Hands roamed along his sides and snaked down to his crotch. "I thought you were asleep," he grinned and closed his eyes enjoying the soft kisses against his skin.

"Mm, I was trying to- but," Vegeta licked the back of Goku's neck causing Goku to shiver in reaction. "I have something that's keeping me up," he smirked pressing his hard on against Goku's leg.

Goku chuckled a little and turned to face Vegeta, one hand squeezed Vegeta's backside, whilst the other cupped the side of Vegeta's face pulling him in for a kiss.

The two made their way to the bed not breaking their kiss, Vegeta fell back onto the mattress and panted between their open mouthed kiss. His hands tugged are the remaining clothing Goku had on. Starving for attention, to feel more of his body, he ripped Goku's underwear off him and tossed them aside as their kiss became more vigorous.

Goku's eyes opened as he was taken by surprise, Vegeta had flipped them over and he was now lying on the firm mattress. He writhed and panted as their lips parted. Vegeta was now sat up straddling Goku's waist, he palmed both their cocks and stroked them together. Goku let out a small whimper as his eyes connected with Vegeta's glare with a glimmer of desire. His hands brushed along Vegeta's muscular thighs, as Vegeta continued to stroke their hardened cocks together.

Vegeta licked his top lip slow and seductively whilst continuing to stroke their cocks together, enticing Goku further. He smirked as Goku kept his glance up at him and lifted his hips wantonly. "Tonight, you're mine-" his smirk widened spreading precum from Goku's cock around the head of his.

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