"Do your parents know you guys are here?" Jin asked the three younger boys sitting across the table.

Taehyung and Jimin nodded while Jungkook sat there frozen.

"I forgot to tell my dads..." he mumbled, quickly pulling out his phone and opening their group chat.

I've always wanted to have a family gc but my family hates me so...

Jungkook frowned in his phone and jumped when he got a call.

"You guys wont be seeing me tomorrow I will be dead." Jungkook said before answering the call.

"Hiiii dad...yes, I know I'm sorry...I- that was random-?...yes you'll be able to meet them soon but what does that have to do wit-...ok...ok, tell appa I said hello and I love him...bye." Jungkook hung up the phone and sighed heavily.

"Appa is upset but dad told him it's fine. Dad is more lenient." He explained. He then turned to his boyfriends next to him. "Dad want to meet you guys."

"Oh! I would love to meet your dad!" Jimin said with a smile.

"Wait, Jungkook-ah, you have two dads?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook nodded. "Yeah! I call one dad and one appa." He explained.

Yoongi nodded and smiled. "That's cool."

Soon, their food came and they ate and continued to talk.

Yoongi learned a lot more about the others.

Jin also had same sex parents. He had two moms.

Jimin had recently came out to his mother on accident. He also had a little brother.

Jungkook is obsessed with Overwatch. Yoongi likes the game too and he asked Jungkook if they could play together one day. Jungkook happily accepted the offer.

"What about you, hyung? Tell us more about yourself!" Namjoon said with a smile.

Yoongi froze and his smile left his face. "U-uh what do you w-want to know?" He asked.

Hoseok held the older's hand under the table and rubbed circles on his hand with his thumb.

"You dont have to say anything you dont want to." Namjoon assured.

Yoongi relaxed a bit and smiled again. "No, no it's ok. I should open up to you guys a bit more."

The others immedietly turned their attention to the mint haired boy.

"Well, I live with my mom...I have an older brother but hes at a dorming college. I haven't seen him for a while...My mom is nice enough." He shrugged and looked down while saying the last part.

"Why are you so shy?" Jungkook asked.

"Jungkook! you cant just ask people why they're shy!" Jimin said.

"Karen! You cant just ask people why they're white!"

Yoongi laughed. "Its ok...I used to be pretty social, but I realized whenever I was near people I would get super nervous. I loved making friends, but it took a lot of courage for me to go up to someone. I didn't know why but then one day people came up to me and started asking me questions all at once about my soulmate. I ended up having a panic attack and my mom had to be called."

Taehyung frowned a little. "Was that in elementary school?" He asked.

"Yeah. I think 4th grade."

"I think I was apart of those people who asked you all those questions...I remember that day. I'm sorry, hyung..." taehyung mumbled.

"Its ok, Tae. We were all young and didnt understand things like that. You guys were all just curious. We only just found out about our soulmates exsisted and we wanted to know more about them." Yoongi assured.

"Continue, Hyung!!" Jungkook said, sitting and listening intently.

Yoongi nodded and continued. "My mom took me to the doctor as the nurses suggested and we came to the conclusion I have social anxiety. After that experience, I didnt want to get too close to people again to have more panic attacks. I was young and since I didnt understand it, I assumed being near people = that scary feeling I had that day. I thought the simplest way to avoid that was to avoid others. So I grew shy and distant." Yoongi explained.

The group nodded along, showing they were listening.

"Well, its ok that you're shy. At least you were finally able to open up to at least us!" Jin said.

Yoongi nodded. "I'm getting better at it."

The group soon finished their food. It was now around 5:30.

"You guys ready to have a fun night?" Yoongi asked.

The group nodded and they stood up. After paying, they headed back to their cars and Yoongi lead the way to their next destination.

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