12 | court conqueror

Start from the beginning

They had solid receives and smart plays. (Y/N) had to admit, their techniques and plays made it entertaining to watch. Despite all the different plays and techniques, Itachiyama had won 2 sets in a row. Nekoma put up a strong fight, but even with all that effort, Itachiyama was still stronger.

Both teams were sweating profusely. (Y/N) had to run back and forth to change the sweat-filled towels. Itachiyama had won 2 consecutive rounds in a row, proceeding to the semi-finals. Nekoma had lost the quarter-finals against Itachiyama.

Their match was the last match of the day. All the suspense lifted off of (Y/N)'s shoulder as everyone got ready to leave. There were now four teams left with only the top two teams being able to go to Interhigh Nationals.

"Kuroo... What are you doing?" Kenma asked as Kuroo stared at the ceiling.

"I expected no less from Itachiyama..."

"What are you blabbering?"

"Even if we lost this time, we won't next time. We're going to go to nationals."

"You're thinking too far ahead, Kuroo," Kenma sighed.

"Come on! I bet the others are waiting for us." Kuroo wrapped an arm around Kenma's neck and walked off. Kenma squirmed around while Kuroo dragged him away.

• • •

The third day arrived, and the boys of Itachiyama were more than ready to face their opponents. They won the semi-finals against Akiyachi High — 25 to 22 and 25 to 20.

"Woah! We're going to the finals!" (Y/N)'s eyes sparkled.

"It's good to see you two again, (Y/N)-san, Sakusa-san." She turned around to see Akaashi and Bokuto, who was waving.

"Hey, hey, hey! (L/N)! Sakusa!" Bokuto shouted out eagerly.

"Oh, hello, Bokuto, Keiji-san!" She waved back while Sakusa remained silent and still.

"How is your mother doing?" Akaashi asked.

"Same old same."

"That's good to hear. I would just like to wish your team good luck since we're going against each other."

"Huh? You guys go to Fukurodani?!" (Y/N) confusedly looked at the two of them.

"I thought you knew, dork," Sakusa muttered. "It was pretty obvious. They even have their school name embroidered on their jackets."

"Eh? I didn't notice..."

"Sakusa, this time, I will beat you! I will take your spot and become one of the top three aces in Japan!" Bokuto declared loudly, slightly startling (Y/N).

"Huh? Yeah, okay..." Sakusa turned on his heels and walked away without another word.

"We'll be going too then. Good luck to your team, (Y/N)-san." Akaashi walked away with Bokuto, who was jumping and shouting, "hey, hey, hey!"

(Y/N) sighed before turning around to join Sakusa. After catching up with him, she could see an annoyed expression plastered across his face. "You don't like Bokuto, do you?"


"I'm going to take that as a yes since you always look irritated when he's around. I can see why you might not like him, though. I have to admit. He's quite loud and simple-minded."

Sakusa remained quiet while listening to (Y/N) speak.

"But, he's very friendly and fun to be around even though I barely know him." (Y/N) smiled and looked at Sakusa, whose expression loosened up. They remained silent as they walked back to where the rest of the team was.

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