Anger Management - Chapter 8

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Chica's POV

I fiddled with my fingers and tried to find something positive to think about. We were alone for a while on stage just standing there in complete silence.

Bonnie was right next to me. Man this was so awkward. My breaths of hallucinating were really loud and heavy. I didn't want him to hear that. It made my back tingle just thinking about it.
I turned the other direction facing my back to him.

"You okay?..."

I nodded in surprise that he actually noticed me moved. I bit the side of my mouth and felt my cheeks go red. Shoot! Am I actually blushing like seriously? I'm so stupid ugh, I wish I died. Legit.... Anyway what could be worse? Him seeing I'm turning into a blaze?...

Almost slapping myself from the stupidness, Freddy came back making loud stomping along with a stern and wary look on his face to go with it.
"So what did he say?"

"Doesn't matter, if you see Foxy, get him outta my sight!"

"But we-" I stalled.

"Got it!?"

We both nodded. Well I hardly did..

"We can't let them meet up again.."

Another day, another song. The sound of children screaming was as if my ears were beginning to get disoriented. Hey even if I don't have ears, I can still hear. Freddy's voice was becoming croaky after all the lines he said all over again and again after every performance.

I was feeling bad for him. He can be annoying though when it comes to serious situations but...

I sighed and looked at the clock next to the wall next to the stage.

"Uhh Freddy aren't we forgetting something?.." I accidentally nudged him hard with my elbow against his shoulder. It made him wobble almost losing his own balance.

"Oh yea Chica, I almost forgot..." He laughed and glitched an angry smirk at me.

"We still have one more performance boys and girls!..." I forced myself a smile while holding a cupcake in my feathery hands.
"Can you guess who that is?"

They screamed out Reika's name out. "I can't hear you!!....."
The kids yelled even ten times louder that before causing us to squint from the loud chaos. Freddy and I backed away from the stage waiting for Reika to come on. But she didn't... So here we are just standing like idiots waiting for something that won't come true...

Bonnie looked around the curtains but no sign of her. He shrugged at us while holding his guitar.
"I'll get her, probably sleeping I guess!" I said trying to make a joke out of it.

The kids laughed along as if there was no problem. I walked down the hallway in front of Reika's door. I knocked impatiently and shouted, "REIKA! ITS TIME!" .

No answer or sound....

Ignoring my politeness, I burst inside, seeing Reika laying on her bed calmly kicking her legs off the side. She didn't seem to notice anything. Not even me.

I was getting absolutely frustrated. "Hey! Are you gonna lift your lazy ass off that dirty mattress and go perform?".

She didn't say a thing. Not a word I said went into her mind. What an asshole!
I punched her in the shoulder. Reika wobbled a bit but still laid there. Waving a hand trying to make her flinch didn't work either.

Is she in some sort of trance? Oh god! were gonna be late!" I thought while looking at the clock.

Bonnie suddenly joined into the fray. I could tell he was surprised as well. He even dropped his guitar at the sight.

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