PreHistory - Part Two

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( An- IM SO SORRY I had to split the prologue because it was way too long for just one part. Anyway here is the last one <3 Enjoy!)

Something came into the door. A strange figure that drove my sight crazy, Wait I think its..... I can't make it out. But I could see its darkened body.. It was sad. I haven't seen anything so sad before. Was it mum? No it can't be.

"Goodbye .. R------..." I didn't quite hear that last part the killer tried to say.. He seemed regretful too. He reminds me of someone that I forgot about. They both look a like no doubt.
The killer moved some of my hair away from my num pale face.
"You look pretty when your dying.." He said softly secretly releasing a sinister smile.
The pain was unbearable. My body was shaking because of it even though I was already num all over. All i could think about was my loved ones as the last of my heart beated. It throbbed my chest while it beated ever so slowly. And I knew it was time.. All those years at school I've had, I'll never forget. The torture still scars me till the very end.

I slowly closed my eyes and saw a extremely static like vision that blinded my eyes and my soul ...

All I wanted was to finish my fur suit....... (An - This next paragraph is basically about her mind playing games even though she died her soul is now lost)

Everthing turned dark and horrid. Death felt like I was falling down a never ending cliff. A splash of a burning sensation consumed as I saw something infact 'someone' trying to reach to me. I had an instinct to do the same. My brown hair that used to be in a braid fell out and extended realising that I was no longer wearing anything but bare skin. Petals floated while they started to turn brown to black rusting away in the process. But I didn't care, this isn't what I wanted.

This wasn't dying in peace.

I stretch and strained my wrist trying to reach out to him. He managed to grab me with an iron grip and stared into my eyes. He looked like a fox mascot ripped into shreds.

He tried to shout something at me but I couldn't hear a thing. Suddenly he squinted his eyes tight trembling and purposely let go. That moment I started to fall down continuously into a black void of nothingness. Far up I could see him floating to where he originally was.

I made a high pitched scream as tears shot out through my lashes. My dark hair whipped around in my face and slapped the tears away telling me there was no point anymore.

Was this what Death is? Falling into agony, pain and seeing churning red waves out of nowhere. What did I do to deserve this fate? Let alone being stabbed for no reason.

Falling miserably, I stayed in a lifeless and limp position staring into the ghoulish surroundings when I had a slight glimpse of my fur suit heading towards me. A smile appeared on my face seeing something I loved for the last time.

But that was not just ANY ordinary suit. The suit hummed something strange moving its lips by itself. Her eyelid opened all of a sudden displaying nothing but soulless hollow sockets and blackness streamed out, down to its neck. Her tears somehow filled the entire space turning everything into black churning waters that could break a ship.

The eyes grew white pupils again looking at me still crying for more. A scary grin appeared on her face jumping op top of me and grabbed my shoulders tight. She looked straight into my pricked irises , strengthening her grip. The black waters churned and roared under us.

Heavy electronic music started playing as her eyes now had bright piercing amber eyes. The look she was giving me had a sense of kill.
'You FOOL! Do you have any idea what you have done!? Were both going live in misery.. It's all your fault! You are the shame of this world.. Wish that you NEVER existed'
She cursed.

"This doesn't make any sense. I was always loved by everyone. I succeed in everything!" I screamed trying to break free. I thought about my mum, my friends and family. I tried my hardest not to shed any tears of such. Because I knew it would make my mum sad.

It's like the suit was trying to get its revenge. She slapped me hard on the face leaving a deep red mark.

'Well that's all about to change...'
My eyes widened in fright.

She pulled me in the dark void and thrusted me into the churning dark waves eventually drowning me within her morns.

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