A Deadly Trick - Chapter 17

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Today was day one. She wanted to repay him badly. No one had ever thought of saving her. She was very astonished that some stranger had done something like that to her. Especially the one who would be in nightmares.

"I need to lure one into a closet ..for now.." She thought.

She suddenly had a slight seizure. She knew something was wrong. She didn't want to do it.

Time Skip to Band Group -

"I hope everyone is having a good time!!" Freddy cheered with the kids. "It's Monday today! And you what that means Chica?" .

"MOREE PIZZA!!" She squealed.

She started giving out boxes of pizza to every table full of kids. They scrambled and pushed each other to get a free piece of deliciousness. (:P lol)

Bonnie suddenly spotted Reika trying to avoid being exposed. She was hiding just behind the curtains looking like an absolute coward. "Oi?! What are you doing?? We have to entertain people you know?!" He whispered loudly.

" *shuffles awkwardly* oh uh yea! Sorry I was dusting the floor with my feet..over there..."

Bonnie rolled his eyes and turned towards Chica. She was in full glee with the children while passing lunch to them.

"Umm Chica? This isnt a place for free food samples...." Said Freddy.

He tried to keep a still face.

"Where Reika go??"
"But she was right here!!" Bonnie pointed to the curtain. They both shrugged and kept on speaking.

Reika's POV

Phew. I can't believe I managed to scoop right under their own clumsy feet. That was hard... I usually get busted like 99% of the time.

'Ugh cmon Reika focus!' I thought. Now how in actual hell am I going to lure a kid?... I was peering out of the kitchen entrance stroking my chin restlessly thinking. That's when a little child spotted me just out of the gloom. God I was right about the busted thing...

"..EEEH IT--.." The child almost screamed. Luckliy I shushed her before she got the little fans attention. I gestured her with my index finger to come into the kitchen with me. I feel sorry for her. Her mum didn't give a shit but just sit there talking on the phone.

The little girl opened her surprisingly large arms, ready to hug me. I immediately remember my terrible fear of youth. I backed away chattering to myself. Making the worse choice I ran out of the kitchen down the east hall with out knowing that the cheeky little bugger followed behind my trail.

"NOO.. Be a good girl ..and and go back to your mommy..! Or I will bite your nose!"

" *silly giggle* pfft that's SILLY!" She was still freaking laughing. Wait I know that smile. She's the birthday girl from yesterday!! There's no doubt about it because of her long blonde hair. "You still have another cake right...?"

She gave me an idea. "Fine .. If you want a cake I'll get you one.. Stay in here while I go find it" as I carefully pushed her in a closet. "Uh ok ..". Without hesitation, I locked it on the outside so she could get out and leave.

"Wait never mind! It's pretty dark in here.. Please. Let me out!" As she pounded the doors inside. It only made the lock rattle.

I instead ignored her and left. Once it's night I will finally repay him and get this out of the way.

-Time Skip to 12:00 midnight-

It's time to go. It's now or never before Freddy and the others find out I'm smuggling a kid. I Headed to the closet finding that the blondie was sleeping. She had dark bags under her eyes. Crap she's starving but I don't want to wake her up. I really don't want to do this but...

I picked her up skin to skin. I shuddered in a violent manner. This won't end well I swear. I flipped the vent open where Foxy, Lewis and I ventured through into the dark factory. While crawling through the vent I could hear her stomach grumbling like a troll.

Ehhhhhh grosssss

It's hard to walk and flick princess hair off your face you know..? Anyway I managed to find my way into that same strange chamber place I magically appeared when I woke up yesterday. For 2 hours...

"...you finally made it..."

It's him again. I quickly dropped the child to the ground as soon as I spotted his menacing face once more. ".. You did good.. You did good.." He nodded repeatedly and clapped in silence.

"..what are you gonna do with her?.." I asked.

He didn't say a word but got a little something from his pocket of his. He moved the girl so that she was lying on her back. He poised the knife above her. A KNIFE!???!? I quickly covered my mouth in shock and yelled.

"...Wait .. WAIT STOPPPP!" I cried out. The blade hit the girls chest and sank deep into her chest. She immediately woke up and screamed as blood spluttered around her. Seconds after no words came out only tears of agony. Her chest took her last breathe. She looked up at me and her eyes grew more pain. The innocent victim unclenched her tiny fists slowly as her head tilted sideways. She coughed and choked which made me extremely guilty. What have I done.... WHAT HAVE I DONE.....I continually started at was once was a happy smiling girl now had tomato juice tattered other her clothes and her beautiful face.

I dropped to my knees and shook in a more voilent way. "..b-b-bu-t-tt WHYYY!?"

".. What can I say.. That was super fun! Thank you so much I appreciate.." The man said softly. He then tossed the killing blade right infront of me. Blood slowly leaked around us.

"you.... You. YOU TRICKED MEH!!" I shrieked. I suddenly looked down at the lifeless corpse on the ground. "No NO! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!". I could feel oil spill out of my eyes as they dripped on my feet.

"... You still owe me.."

"Yea TOTALLY you greedy little sh*t!!!" I finally managed to stand up after all the shivering of shock I had been through.

".. Fine .fine by all means ... Go walk out.. I'll just .. I don't know perhaps terminate you friends instead.." He chuckled.

AN - Because I'm the nicest person in the world I'm going to give you all a CLIFFFHANGERRRR X3333 You still love me right XD ?? Until Next Time.. Mah Cremes!

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