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Fiona took in a deep breath, "I'm pregnant, Debs," She said to her, I let out a loud cough and spit my juice back into my cup once I heard her say that. I thought initially it was just a new approach to getting Debbie to get an abortion.

Debbie rolled her eyes, chuckling dryly in responses, "Not funny."

"No, it's not, and it turns out that the pill is a big fucking waste of money."

Debbie stared at Fiona, trying to get a read on the situation, "Are you lying? Are you making this up?"

I laughed quietly as I watched Fiona crossed her arms over her chest, "You're the only one who lies about pregnancies around here, I'm not making it up."

Debbie's eyes widened, she seemed excited for some reason, "Oh, my god... This is amazing! We can raise them together like sisters! Sister cousins!" She had a huge smile on her face, "Whose is it? Is it Gus's or Sean's?" She tilted her head to the side, "If it was Gus's that would be weird... How far along are you?" Debbie put her hand onto Fiona's stomach, Fiona quickly shoved her hand away from her body.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Fiona shook her head and waved her hands in front of her, "Listen, I'm saying I know how shitty this feels, like somethings taken over your body, you feel sick and, like, a little crazy. I'm sorry because I didn't get that before... And I was harsh and cold, anyways, I'm sorry." Ian and I sat there and watched quietly, "We can go to the clinic, we'll make appointments for the same day, it'll be good," Fiona took in a deep breath, "It'll be a family outing, like Disneyland, only with... with abortions," She was really trying to make it seem like it was some fun thing to go do after work or something.

Debbie's mood shifted once she heard this, "Wait, what? What kind of apology was that?"

I sighed, "Listen, Debs, I get that you have this fairytale dream that Derek's going to come back if you have this baby, but the truth is he left you, he left you pregnant and alone. He doesn't care about you and he definitely doesn't deserve you, there will be plenty of other boys. You'll find someone who wants you. Now just isn't the time," I said to her.

Debbie shook her head, shifting her anger, "No. No, no, no! You don't get to put your two cents in. You and Lip don't count, and Fiona, she sleeps around and didn't even bother divorcing her husband! And well, you ran off with your ex for a couple of months! You guys ghosted Gus and Lip!"

Fiona and I exchanged confused glances, "What... We what?"

"You ghosted them, you disappeared and now you're ghosting your baby, Fiona."

Frank walked into the kitchen, "Family breakfast, no one bothers to invite the padre," He chuckled, clearly annoyed as he snatched bacon off of Ian's plate, "Typical." 

"Frank, walk me to school," Debbie said with an annoyed huff.

Frank looked at her, clearly confused, "Walk you to school? What are you- what? Do you think I'm your father?" He took a bite of the bacon and shrugged, "Well, alright."


I sat on the porch, having a cigarette before bed again. But, after the whole talk with Lip last night, I couldn't gather the urge to light my cigarette, I just sat on the steps, spacing out. I fiddled with my lighter; lighting it, blowing out, over and over again. I listened to the crickets chirping and the L occasionally rush by on the tack above the street. There wasn't that much commotion tonight, it was actually pretty peaceful for once. Then Lip walked up the sidewalk, he looked at me, a smile formed on his lips once he figured out it was me, "I uh, I actually came to talk to you," He said to me, I raised a braw and leaned back a little. 

"Uh, okay," I shifted around, attempting to make my body language a little more welcoming, which was hard because I was still really tense around him.

He approached me, standing in front of the stairs, his stare fixed on my face. "Listen, I thought about what you said. I know that you really trusted me and I was supposed to honor it, or... Whatever, but I am sorry. I really am. If you want to believe that or not, that's up to you."

I tried to process what he was saying, so I nodded, "The..." I struggled with what I wanted to say, "The point is that it took so much in my to learn to trust you in the first place and your threw it away like it was nothing..." I stood up, walking down the stairs to stand in front of him, "I want to trust you again, I really do... It is going to take so much for me to be able to do that again, like so fucking much."

Lip nodded, I could tell that he was nervous, he was acting different. His movements were slow as he looked around, "I know, I won't give up... I'll do whatever I can, you have my word."

"I hope it means something this time."

Lip placed his hand onto my shoulder, giving it a squeeze, "It will."

I felt a smile form on my lips, I nodded, "Alright. We'll see..."

𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 - 𝑳𝒊𝒑 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒉𝒆𝒓 UNDER CONSTRUCTIONTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon