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"Okay, hey guys! Welcome back to my channel and we're going to VEGAS!!" I said to my camera

"Is that how you start your intro?" James said laughing

"Oh sorry HEY KITTY GIRLS" I said mocking him

"It's so bright" Ethan said looking into the view finder

"I can fix it" I said putting my seatbelt on

"No you can't ahah" Grayson said laughing

"Shut up" I said laughing "anyway I'm here with....well you know who they are, we decided to go on a road trip to Vegas because it would be fun"

"Yeh the only thing is Grace and Emma are 17 so they can't really do anything" Grayson said giving me a look

"I know we can't to fucking ANYTHING, James why did you pack your make light lmao" Emma said

"I gotta look snatched in Vegas, I gottta impress daddy Grayson" James said winking at Grayson

"Ahahah, but yeh I really need to pee but Because I decided to not go when I had the chance because Yano I'm super smart!" I say throwing up peace signs

"Oh yeh and it's currently 10pm because Grace and Emma packed at the last minute" Ethan said to the camera

"Omg were not bringing this up again!" Emma said putting her hands over her face

"Basically they were mad at us because they wanted to leave at 6:30 but me and Emma had a nap and forgot to set an alarm and then at 8:00 James Ethan and Grayson were banging on are apartment door telling us that we should of met them 2 hours ago, and basically they waited for us to pick out loads of clothes when we are probably not gunna were half of them"

"Oh great, just what wanted to hear" Grayson said laughing, he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed his thumb back and forth, he looked at me and smirked

"Can we go to Starbucks first before it closes please" James said to Ethan who was driving the car


"I'll pay!!!! I need some sugar so I don't fall asleep sister" James said to Ethan

"Okay that's it we're not going anywhere else" Ethan said turning around to all of us

"Omg yay I can go pee!" I said waving my hands about


I finally peed at Starbucks, I never needed a pee so bad

"James have are drinks come yet? And did u get me a toastie because it's fine if you didn't" I said to him

"I got you a toastie bitch," James said passing it to me

"And I asked her to heat it up for you" James said with his arm around me

"Omg I love you!" I said giving James a kiss on the cheek

"Weres my kiss huh?" Emma said pretending to be annoying

"Oh sorry mom" I said laughing while licking the side of Emma's face

Everyone laughed, Emma wiped her face and we all sat down to drink and eat before we spent loads of hours in a car

I sat between James and Grayson and Emma and Ethan were sat next to each other

"Omg this is soo good, my camera better not fall!" I said putting my camera on top of the napkins as a tripod to film us eating

"Watch me and Grace not be allowed to do anything cuz we are 17" Emma said to the camera

Sister squad and me Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora