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January 2015, a woman and a man joined in matrimony which lead to a development of a child in the former's womb.

The couple continuously moved from town to town-trying to get away from what the man mentioned as a dispatchment of him.

Almost 9 months in her pregnancy, the woman was getting weaker and weaker as the child's birth was coming closer. The couple finally hid somewhere they thought was finally safe for them to live when a knock on the front door of their heavily shrouded house was heard.

The man felt it was about time to face the individuals who wanted to off him. Quickly, he told his beloved wife to leave immediately as she and their child were in grave danger.

The woman was in tears as it was painful for her to leave her husband, yet it was a matter of her unborn child's future and having no choice but only to cherish her memories she shared with her husband. A short and passionate kiss was the last of the couple's touch.

As the woman ran for her life going through the back door, she saw a bright flash of white and heard a piercing scream which eventually faded had her burst into tears as she was certain it was her husband's. Only did she whisper comforting words to both herself and her unborn child.

Reaching the city proper at 7 am, weakly walking and panting in exhaustion, the woman winced in pain as she felt a sharp pain in her belly-thinking it was nigh. She entered the closest shelter she could find and having no other choice but to give birth with no help in an abandoned house.

Screams and a mouthful of exhales surrounded the house, the woman cried and cried, and cannot help but sometimes manage to whisper on her child the words:

"This world is too harsh for a young child to live alone, but I hope you still see the good in it. Always remember that Mama and Dada both love you as great as the heavens, our beautiful Elizabeth."

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