Adam Cole#1

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nobody' fault,
but mine

Tears fell from your eyes as you swear your heart broke to many pieces. You were holding Adam's journal that he hid from you for god knows how long. "Hey babe, I'm home!" You quickly wipe the tears away and waited for Adam to come
to the kitchen where you were there, sitting while still holding his journal. Adam smile and was about to kiss you, but stops when he saw what you were holding.

"Where did you get that?" He asks. You took a deep breath and look at him showing your sadness and disappointment. "I was doing laundry and when I went to put your clothes away in the closet, I accidentally knock something and this fell. I know I shouldn't look through it, but I did and well..." You couldn't bring yourself to say it, again tears fell from your eyes and Adam sighs sadly knowing that you read that part. "You read that part, didn't you?"

You scream at him and start hitting his chest and he grabs your both arms to prevent getting hit. "Y/n, calm down!" "How could you Adam, after everything I did for you and sacrificing the things just so I can be with you. I even left my family back to my country so I could support on your dreams!" You got off his grip and sat on your seat again, facing away from Adam while sobbing. This was the least thing Adam wanted to do, hurting you. He didn't say anything, he wanted you to calm down first.

A few minutes later, you calm down and start drying your tears away. You were still upset, but there was nothing to do, but to cancel everything. "You still love her right?" You wish he said no. You turn to face him and he sighs, but nodded. You closed your eyes, hurt by his words. You can't do anything about it though, he's being honest with you now. "Then go with her, I know she loves you too still." Adam shakes his head "What about the wedding? Your family, your friends, our friends-"

"Why would you still want to marry me if you love another woman?" You ask him. Adam stays quiet not knowing what to say. You suck your teeth and chuckle disappointed. You stand up and went to get your suitcase which was in the upstairs bedroom, and start packing your clothes. "Y/n, please don't do this. I love you." He started pleading for you to stay, but you kept packing. You shook your head "But you love her the most, look we can still be friends or whatever. It's obvious who you choose. Which is her, no I don't hate you or her. What I hate is that you lie to me Adam. You could of told me, but no. You asked me to married you and now look where we are. Going our separate ways." You closed your suitcase and start heading downstairs.

You call Candice and pray that she'll answer "Hello?" You sigh in relief. "Hey Candice, get I stay at your house for a while?" "What, why?" You hear Adam's footstep close to your way "I'll tell you later, but can I?" "Yeah sure, I'll pick you up in 10 minutes." You hung up and look at Adam, who's eyes were red. He was crying... "Candice is going to pick me up and well tomorrow I'm getting the rest of my things." Adam pulled you for a hug and you stood there, not hugging him back. "I'm sorry Y/n, I'm so sorry." He kept apologizing and your eyes form tears, threaten to fall once again.

"No matter what, I'll still love you. I don't regret what we have, you can hate me. But you know I was once yours and you were once mine. We had a good relationship, I did love you Y/n. So much, but I also love Britt. I thought if I marry you, the feelings I have for her would go away, but I was wrong. I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me one day." Adam began to tear up and you pulled away from his embrace, you wipe his tears away "You're right, I should hate you. But I can't, I love you too much. I don't forgive you now, but I know one day I will. Goodbye Adam." You kiss his cheek and open the door and began walking away from the house you two once shared.

You did have good memories in there, but now it's time to move on. You look at Adam one more time, and smile at him sadly. You see Candice parked across the street and you head to her way. You open the the passenger's seat and got in. Candice look at you with concern and also confused. "Why did you bring a suitcase, are you and Adam...?" You look at her with tears eyes and she got the memo. She knows the answer now. "Oh Y/n, I'm so sorry." You sigh and gave her a small smile "It's ok. It's nobody's fault, but mine."

"Why would you say that?" "Because I left the most important people in my life, to a man who still loves his ex." Candice gasp slightly. "Britt?" You nodded. "Just take me away from here, this is the least place I want to be now." She nodded and began to drive away. You turn to look at the house one last time, but it just makes you want to cry again. You look away and sigh. "It's nobody fault, but mine."

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