Finn Balor#4

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his loss

It's been a year since you and Finn decided to call it quits. It was Finn who broke up with you, and the reason why is because he wasn't sure if he sees you and himself in the future. Getting married and having a family etc. You accepted his choice and told him that you'll give him time to think. Of course, he was taking long and you read the rumors of him supposedly seeing with Vero and that they're dating.

At the end, it was true. You were somewhat hurt, but it's been a year now. It was time for you to move on, and you did. Now, you're seeing Drew McIntyre, and are officially dating. Though, no one knows and both of you want to keep it that way.

It was a regular Monday Night Raw when you two accidentally bumped into each other. "Finn?" You called. "Y/n?" He asked. You two stared at each other for a moment, until you remembered where you have to be. "I'm sorry, I have to go now." You start walking away when Finn grabbed your wrist. "Y/n, i need to talk to you." He said. You sigh and remove his hand from you. "There's nothing to talk about. I have to go." "You're meeting up with someone, aren't you?" He asked. You mentally cursed yourself, but he wasn't wrong.

"Yeah, I am. I don't see why that's any of your business." Finn was taking back from your behavior and scoffed. "It isn't, I was just asking, lass." You rolled your eyes. "Well now you know, and don't call me that. Goodbye." You slightly gasp when Finn dragged you to his dressing room. He lightly pushes you to the couch and you stared at him in shocked.

"What the hell is wrong with you? People might talk." You didn't want to be look like the girl who's screwing men who are in a relationship. Not only that, you don't want Drew to know about this. "Let them talk." Finn simply said. He sits next you and you awkward began to fidget. "Why are you acting weird?" "I'm not, I just don't want people to think wrong. Which they probably are by now." Finn chuckles. "Darling, I know they wouldn't say anything because well I'm me." He cockily said.

You scoffed and crossed your arms, looking away from him. "Yeah, but I'm me. Plus, I don't want Drew to-" Instantly, you cover your mouth with both of your hands, and your eyes widen. Finn blinks, not knowing what to say. You two stay quiet for a moment, until Finn spoke up.

"I see, Drew huh?" You shyly nodded. "Yeah, with Drew." "How long?" "What?" He sigh and gets up from the couch and walks a bit far from you. His arms crossed and staring himself in the mirror. "Since how long have you two talk while we were dating?" Disbelief on what he said, you couldn't help but start fuming. "You must crazy if you think him and I were having something when we were together. We didn't, not after our breakup." "Right, cause that's not what Dolph said. As a matter of fact, he saw how you two were cozy when were together." You slammed your fists to the couch.

"Then he's wrong, and you're an idiot in believing him. Should of know you'll believe to anyone." You mumble at the end. He looks up at you with the mirror and couldn't help but snickered. "Then again, shouldn't matter. I'm with Vero now, so you can screw around with whoever. At this point, to the whole world."

You stood up, and walk towards him to slapped him. Finn slightly grunt from the stinging, but was pissed. "Don't you ever disrespect me like that. I've been faithful to you from the beginning, and if you don't believe me then, then that's on you. The only person I'm "screwing" around his with Drew because he's my boyfriend!" You snapped. Jealousy grew inside of him but didn't say anything. You start heading to the door and before you left you remark saying;

"Now if excuse me, I'm done wasting my time with a garbage like you. Don't you ever touch me again, and tell Dolph to stop spreading rumors like an old lady!" You slammed the door leaving Finn with anger, guilt, and regret. It was his loss after all.

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