"Thank God, you're dressed. Yeah, we can ride with you," Alex sighs.

"Mkay. We'll head over and get Luna now."

"Luna ain't coming, man," Kiki grabs a few doughnut holes and stuffs them into her pockets.

This makes me stop in my tracks. "And why the fuck not?"

Kiki shrugs, "Come on. I don't wanna be late."

"Yeah, man. Every time we're late, there's no place to sit. I hate that. I just wanna chill tonight, bro," Alex whines.

"Fine," I clip. Well this is fucking bullshit. You know what? Fuck this. I'm not going to this dumbass party. I'm gonna find out where the hell Luna is.

"Hey. I know that look, dude. You better not go to my place. I know my friend. Leave her be."

"You don't know what I was gonna do," I challenge.

Kiki rolls her eyes at me. I can't stand it when people do that, but she's justified. She has me pegged like a thumb tack. Shit.

"Dude. Come on. Go to the party. At least for a little while."

"Fine," I growl. "Let's go to this stupid ass, fucking party. So fucking dumb. I swear to God."

I don't wait for a response and head out. I'm so fucking pissed right now. No one better get in my way tonight. What in the world can Luna possibly be doing?

"Wow. Someone has it bad for ma friend. Heh," Kiki teases.

Whatever. I mumble instead of answering her. Hell, I don't even know what I just said. I turn on some music so I don't have to talk to the two bozos in my backseat and head over to the party. This is gonna be so lame. I'm gonna be bored out of my skull. Maybe after the party I can offer to take Kiki home and then check on Luna. Hopefully, Kiki won't want to spend another night with my best friend. I'll offer just in case.

There's a ton of people parked out front and the party is in full swing. Alex groans at being late again and having nowhere to sit. There's a big bonfire out back, I can see the shadowy flickering in the sky. He can sit around the fire, the big baby.

"Shy!" Carter yells.

For fuck's sake. I look at Alex and roll my eyes signaling for him to wait for Carter's drunk ass to reach us.

"Where's Donovan and Tyler?" I ask.

"Tyler is sick and Donovan is around here somewhere. Hi Kilex!"

"Kilex?" Alex groans.

"Yeah! That's your guys combined names! The couple of the year!"

"I'm my own woman, man. It's Kiki to you."

"Yeah!" Alex chimes.


"What." I snap.

"Sorry to see Luna couldn't make it with her date and all. Cassie's here though."

"What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, I talked to her this morning. She told me she has a date."

"I didn't hear about this. Imma text her," Kiki whips out her phone and starts typing.

Good. I don't trust Carter to give me accurate information. He's always wrong.

"I don't know, man. I just asked her if she has a date and she replied--and I quote--yup. Huh. Who knew? I'll have to ask her about it when she gets home, I guess."

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