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Finn's pov

"How can you drink that?", i asked the ginger sitting besides me. Her hair was perfectly laid on her shoulders as she sipped her caramel latte. The ginger girl rose her eyebrows at me and pecked a little smile. "I love coffee. Like seriously it's my whole life", Sadie said. "Ew", i said in a disgusted tone. Sadie rolled her eyes and handed her latte to me.

"Try it", she offered. "What?", i asked. "Are you deaf? I said try it! It's not even that bad Finn", Sadie said and laughed a little. "I'll probably spit this all over your face if it's bad", i pointed out and carefully took a sip of her latte.

The taste was actually not bad. I won't even lie, this is the best latte i've ever tasted! This one tastes like heaven. Hot and tasty, and i seem to like it. "I-it's actually pretty good", i said and sipped again. "Okay that's enough. I don't wanna have your whole dna on my cup", Sadie said and grabbed the cup which got spilled a little bit on my pants. "Shit!", i cussed.

"Oh my god! Sorry Finn", Sadie said and handed me some tissue papers nearby. "I-it's hot", i said and tried to clean it quickly. Thank god i was wearing black jeans. I finished cleaning up the mess and scrumbled the tissue papers. "And guess were you spilled it", i said to Sadie. Sadie looked at me with a little grin. "Where?", she asked. "On my dick, kind of", i said while i heard the ginger now laugh.

She looks so adorable when she laughs and it always make me feel good to see her laughing. "Jesus christ with you Finn", she said. "I didn't know you were christian", i said as a joke. I watched Sadie roll her eyes playfully. "Ha ha ha", she sarcastically said.

"Finally there is a time when we can be alone", Sadie let out. Oh so she wants to be alone with me? Wow. Maybe she does like me. Or maybe not. "Oh so you wanna be alone with me?", i smirked. It made her nervous, i could tell. She started blushing a bit. "W-what? N-not like that", Sadie stuttered. "I'm joking", i said.

And i was not joking though. If she wants to be alone with me then there's gotta be a reason for it. But i'm not gonna get my hopes up that easily.

A minute of silence. Awkward, right? Neither of us said a word. We just focused on either sipping latte or eating a donut. I ate two donuts because i'm a hungry pig. The first one was Sadie's and the second one was also Sadie's. Why? Well, she wasn't in the mood for donuts. The girl only took one bite and said that she's full, while i could eat a whole bakery till it's empty. But i'd still look like a long spaghetti noodle since i don't gain much weight.

Sadie's phone rang. She told me that her mom wants her home now because it's getting late. I have no choice but to bring her home, even though i would've wanted to spend the whole day with her and her only.

We packed our stuff and left. Side by side. The ginger next me was quiet but smiling. I unlocked my car from the distance and walked towards it. I opened the car door as Sadie did the same. We both put our seatbelts on because i'm a so called "drunk driver" because i'm not that good. Plus, this is my dad's car that he gave to me.

Sadie set up her location to her gps and i started driving.

Sadie's pov

"Thanks for the ride", i said to the dark curly haired boy. He looked chill with his green jacket and green bucket hat. "I'll pick you up to Damon's party tonight", he said. Oh shoot. I totally forgot about the party.

"Shit! I forgot about the party", i said. "Are you s-still coming?", Finn asked. "I'll go if you go", Finn added. I quietly thought of my decision. "Yeah i-i'll come if you'll be there", i said. "So we're turning up together?", Finn asked. My face was about to turn red. I didn't really think of that but thank god he brought it up. "Y-yeah! Sure!", i said.

I said my last goodbyes and watched as Finn drove away from my neighbourhood.


"I will not allow you to wear that Sadie", Sara judged as she looked at my dress. It was a boring black dress that my aunt bought me a year ago. But i don't have much in my closet either. If only my closet was a boutique. "Yeah no shit", i said and looked at myself from my mirror. " Let's try something else before Sara rips her eyes off", Elvi said. I rolled my eyes and marched back to the world of clothes, my closet.

I grabbed a little something from their and went to my bathroom to change. I open the bathroom door so that my two friends could see my outfit. "What about this?", i said.

"I think it's great. It really gives you a chill vibe", Elvi says while Sara on the other hand seems like she's not amazed. "You look like your going to Hawaii, not a party. Are you sure you don't have any other clothes Sadie?", Sara said. Elvi huffed and rolled her eyes and went to my closet to look for something. "I think it's good", i said. I was wearing a cute Hawaii type of pin shirt with mom jeans. I had also a red shirt under the pin shirt.

"This outfit is a no no", Sara said and adviced me to go and look for something else for the hundreth time. I mean, i've been scavenger hunting for an outfit ever since i invited Sara and Elvi over to help me. And Sara has been making it difficult to find a good fit. "Just let her wear it", Elvi said. "If you want her to look like a tourist then okay", Sara said in a bit rude tone.

"I don't give a fuck about what Sadie will wear right now. We've been here for 3 hours Sara! Let her live!", Elvi said. I stayed quiet for a while because i was also on my tipping point and wanted to just throw a garbage bag on and go to the fucking party. Thank god my mom gave me a permission to go to the party. "Fine! Wear what you wanna wear! I don't give a shit", Sara said. "Oh come on Sara! They're just clothes! It's not like this outfit is that bad! And besides, it's a high school party. Not a strip club", pointed out in an annoyance.

"Just admit it, you just don't want Sara to go anywhere so that's why your making her change all the time", Elvi said. "W-what?", Sara said a bit nervously. It could also kinda make sense. I mean, Damon is her ex after all and she might still have feelings for him or something. "Why would you think that?", Sara said. At this point i seemed like i was invading them so i decided to leave.

I went downstairs and told my friends to discuss whatever their going to discuss now.

Elvi's  pov

"Now even Sadie left be cause of this nonsense your telling me. Thanks a lot", Sara said. It hurt me to know that Sara might actually still secretly have feelings for Damon and that she's together with me. "I did it so that i could get some answer. Just say it. Yes or no, are you still interested in Damon Salvatore?", i asked in an annoyed voice. I watched as Sara's facial expression turned into a serious one.

She could kill with that look that she just gave me. "W-why would you think that?", Sara said. "For fucks sake Sara! Yes or no?!", i shouted at her. For the first time ever i felt like raging at my so called girlfriend. I know that she'll eventually confess. And it's gonna break my heart more than ever.

A minute of silence passed by as i saw Sara finally able to speak up. "I'm sorry i-" "Save it", i said and started grabbing my stuff so that i could get the fuck out of the room. My eyes we're tearing up as i thought of how much i'm in love with Sara and how much i thought she cared about me. "Y-you don't understand i-"

"I don't care okay?! I don't wanna hear anything about your past relationship with him and shit. I don't wanna hear it. It's just making this worse. I thought you loved me Sara! I really did! Now i don't know what to believe and i feel like i'm going fucking crazy", i said to her while i almost start bawling. I was crying a whole river and there was nothing that could stop it. "Elvi please listen to me i" "No", i answer. With my blurry vision, i grab my bag and exit the room with Sara still following me.

"Elvi please! Don't do this!", Sara shouted as she went down the stairs. Sadie now saw the situation and looked concerned. "I'm leaving", I said as i put my shoes on. "No, please!", Sara begged. I took a glimpse of her and saw her eyes all puffy and how she was crying too with Sadie by her side. It broke my heart to see but i had to be strong.

I quickly opened the front door and walked out. While not looking back. I just focused on getting home fast as possible.

There is no turning back now.

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