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Sadie's general pov part 2:

"Hell no!", Sadie told the British girl from the phone. "You want me to do your dirty work and for what? Reputation?", Sadie said. She was furious and also a bit scared of Millie's plans. Sadie has never seen or heard Millie actually being such a bitch. "It's not a big deal! All you have to do is follow Loren after school and just try and find out stuff about her", Millie said. Sadie had to stop her self from breathing for a second. 'I'd rather die than listen to Millie' Sadie thought. "I don't fucking care! I'm not helping Millie and that's final!", Sadie yelled. "Whatever, your'e just a fucking pussy anyways", Millie said in a very confident voice. Sadie could hear the confidence through the phone and it made her even more mad.

"I'm a pussy?! At least i don't think of humiliating others! Yes, i know what Loren did, it was horrible, but i don't want to physically hurt her. I already have a heartbroken friend to take care of!", Sadie pounded. "I thought we were friends too", Millie said. "Friends?! You must be dreaming Millie! Ever since you took my friends, i have never thought of you as a friend! You take everything from me! Everything! I won't let you take Sara's happiness! I love her and can't loose her again!", Sadie sniffed. She didn't even realize that she was crying. Her salty lips were rolling down to her cheeks. Millie was very silent, it's like somebody sewed her mouth shut. "I-i never knew that you felt this way", Millie said. She let out a little sigh. 'I fuck up, didn't i?' Millie thought to herself. "I'm so sorry for all of this Sadie. I never meant to-" "Save it, i don't wanna hear it", Sadie said and hung up.

Her salty tears weren't gone, they were still there, and more was coming. She started crying to her pillow because Millie brought her so many flashbacks of their friendship.


"Come on you slow poke!", Millie shouted. Her brown hair was styled to a bun. They were playing roleplay and dress up. "It's your turn to do my nails!", Millie added. She giggled and sat down on her bed, while Sadie did the same. Sadie's face was fully of awfully done makeup, her hair was also in a bun and her nails were painted red. She had a curtain as her dress and her role was to be a fashion designer and a stylist. "Ooh", Sadie said.

She giggled at Millie's nails, they were awfully painted by Sadie herself, but Sadie was five years old, she didn't mind. "And right after that your gonna pick my next outfit", Millie said. Millie's role is a famous singer, Amy Winehouse. The british girl was so obsessed with Amy Winehouse, she even tried to mimick one of Amy's concerts. "As you wish Amy", Sadie played along. "And please, for gods sake, i want the outfit to be bold and wild", Millie said and waved her hands in the air, while Sadie giggled. "I think i've picked a good outfit", Sadie said while holding up a yellow and black striped shirt with shorts. But of course, the clothes they used were too big for them, so when Millie tried it own she almost drowned into the clothes.

"What is this rubbish? I need a new outfit Sadie the stylist!", Millie said in an Amy Winehouse kind of way. "Coming right up Amy! Your gonna look so fabulous at the met gala!", Sadie played along. "But of course i am, i have the best stylist in the world! What would i do without you Sadie?", Millie said while she pulled Sadie in to a hug, a hug that could've lasted forever.

End of Flashback

Finn's general pov:

Finn was devasted, he already wanted to meet Sadie, he was so stressed. 'What if i fuck up everything?", Finn thought. He 's curly hair was a huge mess, he's t-shirt smelled like milk because Nick decided to play ring around the rosie, and he was completely tired. It's sunday, and tomorrow he would have to go to school. "Ugh!", he said. "That's it, i can't do this! I need to talk to her, maybe it'll calm me down", Finn said out loud to himself.

He grabbed he's phone and opened up the conversation with him and the ginger.

@finnwolfie: hey sadie

@finnwolfie: u there?

There was just silence for a while, maybe for a less than two minutes. Finn still waited, because he desperately wanted to hear her angelic voice.

@sadiesinkk: can we pls facetime?

@sadiesinkk: i rly need someone to talk to

Finn's heart was pounding, he's hands were sweating. 'I've never facetimed with a girl before' Finn thought. He's brain was telling him to do it, but he's hands were shaking.

@sadiesinkk: u still there?

'Fuck it, i'm just gonna do it' Finn thought.

@finnwolfie: yeah sorry xdd

@finnwolfie: and yes we can facetime if u want :)

@sadiesinkk: oki i'm calling you rn

'Just fucking breath' Finn thought. He's heart was doing flips and he's stomach was twirling too. He's dry lips were bit by he's teeth, he's so nervous. Finally, the ginger's number was now seen on Finn's screen. 'Now or never' he thought. He pressed the green button and as soon as the call started he saw a heartbroken ginger girl, Sadie.


"Hey Sadie, you alright?", Finn asked. Sadie looked stunning. Even though she was crying, she looked very beautiful. Her ginger hair was perfectly laid on her shoulders, her blue ocean eyes were mesmerizing and her lips, they were just getting Finn's attention. "I-i just really need to just rant to someone", the ginger said. Finn's heart was aching, seen Sadie cry made her very sad too. "Let it all out", Finn said and flashed her a little smile.

"I just fucking hate Millie! You obviously don't know who she is, but i really fucking hate her! She's a bitch! She asked me to spy on Loren and now she's mad at me because i rejected her offer! And-and now she's saying that i'm a pussy and all that shit like i'm sorry that i have a heart! Yes, Loren did some awful shit too, but i've gotta be there for Sara! Millie has taken everything from me! My closest friends that i had, my crushes, even my siblings like her, she has taken everything! I'm so done! I-i just wanna reset my whole life! And i want Millie out of it!", the ginger said.

Finn was in shock, Sadie was in a lot of pain. Finn knew who Millie actually was, Millie is one of those people who are working on the gossip page, SFG. At least Finn thinks so. Finn once over heard a conversation between Millie and her friends when he once visited South Hadley. They were planning on combining SFG with South Hadley's gossips. Finn didn't quite understand why people at South Hadley would read gossip from SFG, since it's made by people who live in Springfield.

"I'm so sorry Sadie. I've felt this same exact feeling before, but i got past it, and i know you will too. You've just gotta stay strong okay?", Finn said. "Uhm, Finn?", Sadie said. "Yes?", Finn asked. "I know we don't really know each other that well but i-i love you. I love that you're actually listening to me and here for me, thank you Finn", Sadie said.

"Your welcome", Finn said and smiled brightly. That smile didn't fade away, even Sadie started smiling widely. They were just happily smiling to each other, even though they live 22 miles away from each other, they were still happy.

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