Please Pick Up [Part 3]

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It might be his wounded pride that allowed him to walk away from her that night. This doesn't happen that often, but there are times when his ego gets crushed and he wouldn't be able to stop himself from doing something he doesn't usually do.

So, he just stepped right out of the door without even looking back at her. That was a huge slap for her, he knows. But deep down, way down his inner bad self that everyone will not expect that he has besides Natasha, he was a little bit satisfied to show her that every now and then, he will not back down just because she said no.

The next day was just the same as the other. Work, training, eat, then go back to training. Same old things in the compound when there are no missions. He did just that. Except for this night.

Usually, he and Nat would either flop down on his couch to watch or go straight to bed to sleep since having no missions are definitely rare.

But he wanted neither of this so he went to the training room to punch a hole through the punching bags again. As he went on, he noticed that his phone kept on ringing. He caught a glimpse of Nat's name before it goes off. Then, another one and another one and he just stared at it.

The soft tone of his ringtone echoed through the room and it kept on ringing. Until it stopped. So, he waited. Every tick of the clock, he waited for the tone to be heard again. But, it didn't. 

Steve walked towards where his phone is laying and lifted it from the bench. His fingers hovered from the call button, deciding whether it's time to talk. But his pride didn't let him.

Damn this. Captain America is a stubborn little shit and he knows it.

He placed the phone down and continued with his training.


Hustles of feet woken him from his slumber. He glanced at this clock and it was past 5 AM. Normally, Steve would proceed with his morning run but something's telling him to follow the heavy footsteps coming from the other side of the door.

As he walked outside of the room and into the hallway, he could see nurses and soldiers running inside the main area. Damn, they must be escorting a high-level officer to have this many soldiers guarding.

He would usually make nothing of this and just walk away. But as soon as he saw Clint, Fury, and Maria scurrying with the nurses, he had a feeling he had to go there too.

Clint and Fury were barking orders to everyone. Get this! Get that! Hurry the fuck up!

Never did he seen Fury so terrifying and worried at the same time. As for Clint, he saw nothing. Expressionless but ready to beat someone up if they didn't follow his orders.

Steve walked towards them and eyed the stream of nurses pushing a hospital bed into one of the surgery room. He caught a glimpse of a familiar red hair but as he was still out of it, he ignored it.

"Hey, Clint. What's going on here?" He asked.

Clint recognized the voice and unleashed every bit of his self-control to not punch the guy in the face. He knows Steve didn't do anything but that's the problem too, isn't it? He didn't do a damn thing. On the other hand, he shouldn't forget how stubborn as shit Nat is so he had to control himself.

With a clenched jaw, he responded. "Nat's in there. Barely alive. I don't even know if she'll make it."

Steve's heart stopped for a moment.

"The moment she called me I know there's something wrong." He added. His jaw was still clenched tightly as he recalls what he saw back there. "Natasha never called me while on a mission unless it's truly an emergency so I went there as fast as I can. Her tracker was laying next to a dead body but she was nowhere to be found. We had to follow her tracks or literally we had to follow the rows of dead bodies and my mind was expecting that one of them is hers."

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