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She came back.


She was brought back.

She instantly knew who brought her back to life.

But where was he?

She remembered back on the cliff.

On the edge.

She knew she fell.

She even felt it.

But where was she?

She tried to open her eyes.

She didn't even know that it was closed.


Why is everything on water?

She can feel it on her skin.

On her body.

It was too quiet.

"Nat... Where are you?"


An abrupt ray of sunshine blinded Natasha for a moment. Her eyes flickering through the beaming light.

The sun might be warm but why was it too much? She, then, realized that she was still on her catsuit.

She attempted to sit upright but immediately collapsed on a hard surface as she let out a groan. Her back was aching like hell and a few bones might have been broken as well.

What the hell happened?

She looked around, assessing the surroundings before doing anything. Cobblestones. Piles of garbage. Old movie posters. Red brick walls. It looks like one of those alleyways from old films. Is this some kind of part of New York that she hasn't been before?

Natasha grabbed a newspaper beside the garbage she was lying next to and read the headlines. She gasped. This must be the last thing she ever thought of happening to her.

"Captain America survived a plane crash in the Arctic. Our hero is back!"

"1945?" Natasha whispered. It says in the news that Steve miraculously came back with no injuries and such. They didn't know how but everyone is just too happy he came back that no one really questioned it.

Natasha stared at the black and white image that came with the news. It was Peggy. Walking side by side with Steve as they emerge from a sea of reporters.

Impossible. She knows that Steve crashed his plane in 1945 and was never found. How the hell was he back? Natasha tried to rack her brain as to how Steve ended up coming back. Then, it hits her.

Looking at the time GPS tony had made them, she remembered. Thanos. The Snap. Half of the universe turned into dust. 5 years of trying to bring everyone back. The Stones. She and Clint fighting in Vormir to decide who's going to drop themselves into the cliff. The long-lasting fall she felt and then, the darkness came.

"Hey, Nat". She encountered Tony on her time on the Soul Realm. It was weird. It kinda felt peaceful there but was annoyed as hell when she saw Tony. This bastard must have done something again.

"What the hell did you do again?" She asked, hands on her waist and eyes glaring at Tony.

He smiled, the kind of smile where his eyes sparkle and skin crinkles on the sides. "It doesn't matter. We won, Nat." Then, his signature grin came.

She didn't say anything at first and just rolled her eyes and gave him a smile. "I know we would. I didn't doubt you guys even for a second."

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