home sweet home

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Dark clouds always made Adriel happy but coming from school, it projected a nauseating feeling. He tensed his face as his stomach made rumbling noises.

"Are you okay baby," Adriel's mother called out from the passenger seat in the Jeep Cherokee.
"I'm fine mom," Adriel responded, tensing his face more.
"Let me pull over," Adriel's dad insisted.
Adriel nodded a little and his dad slowed down to a halt beside a curb.

Adriel opened the door with all his might and puked on the sideway. The mother bent down to squeeze his shoulders gently.
"Trevor!" The mother shouted, "get the napkins!"
The dad quickly ran to the car and pulled out white napkins from the glovebox.
Adriel coughed and grabbed the napkins from the mother's loving hands.
"Abigail," Trevor started, "let's take him to hospital."
She looked at Adriel who managed to get on his feet.
"I'm fine," Adriel commented.

The car picked up and rolled on the tarmac. They were close to home this time.
Boarding school was just a nightmare for Adriel but he was back, to hang out with his baby. The thought of her made Adriel jumpy but he was saving that jumpiness for another time. Right now he needed to rest. He rubbed his stomach to feel better.

This happened to him every closing and opening.
Probably it's the nervousness, he thought.
But nervous for what? He was the captain of the rugby team and everyone liked him, well almost everyone. He pictured the fight that broke out on the school hallway with Trent and his crew. He sneered, thinking about it.
"You're a good boy!" the headmaster shouted at him, "now get out of my office," he would sit on his chair angrily.

"We're here," Abigail screeched.
Adriel felt happy as usual, to be reunited with the whole family.
"Okay guys I'll talk to you later," Kiara said over the phone as she approached the car.
"Hey Adriel," she stuffed her phone into her ripped jeans.
She hugged Adriel so tight that no breath escaped his mouth. Although he was huge and fit as a fiddle, his sister always won the hugging part.

"I've so much to tell you," she squealed, grabbing Adriel's hand tightly, dragging him into the hollow house.
Trevor just stared and laughed, fixing his glasses.
Kiara, the fifteen year old troubled her almost nineteen year old brother all the time. All you had to do was to cooperate.
"So there's this guy," she started as Adriel entered the pink room, "so, can I borrow your car," she beamed.
He stared at her and smiled.
"You're fifteen," he folded his muscular arms, "aren't you?" He stared, serious this time.
"So take me," she squealed once more and moved out of her room.
Adriel sighed and went outside to assist with the blankets for school.

"They're at the back," his dad approached him.
Adriel took out the belongings and once again entered the enormous house. He entered the kitchen and took an apple from the fruit basket.
"Hey Adriel," his mother said approaching him from behind.
He turned to his mother's direction to face her in the eye.
"This is Jazmine," his mother said.
Suddenly a medium height stunning girl appeared.
"Be nice," his mother cautioned, "she will be assisting me in this house,"
"Nice to meet you," Adriel shook her hand.
"Likewise," she replied.
With that said and done, Adriel went to his room.

"Mom," Kiara started talking over the dinner table, "Adriel's taking me out tomorrow."
Adriel stared at her hard enough. She could be really annoying sometimes.
"That's great dear," mom said, staring at her iPhone screen.
"Work again?" Adriel said, a bit annoyed.
"Excuse me," Abigail smiled and left the dinner table.
"You too," Adriel stared at his dad who was fiddling on his gadget.
"I'm sorry son," Trevor stood up, shouting at some worker.
"Great," Adriel brushed his hair aside.
Just what he needed, a family divided. The thought of it got him on the verge of hauling again. Everyone locked themselves in their rooms. Adriel heard footsteps approaching so he tilted his head to see who's coming.

He sighed softly. He had forgotten about mother's assistant. She approached the table and grabbed as many plates possible.
Adriel stared at her and commented.
"Hey, aren't you a little young for this?" He confidently asked.
She smiled hesitantly.
"I'm turning twenty-two in a few weeks," she replied.
"So I was right," Adriel said laughing.

She rolled her eyes and smiled, grabbing the rest of the plates. Jazmine came back to collect more cutlery.
"You don't really look different from us," he glanced at her.
He corrected himself.
"Not like in a bad way or something," he stammered, thinking how she would react, "I'm not racist," he stared at her brown eyes.
"I know," she smiled calmly.
"I mean my dad's black and my mom's white," he continued, "and I'm a crossbreed."
"I get it," Jazmine sighed, "my dad was white," she looked at her shoes.
"Wait," Adriel corrected, "you mean he is white."
"Well," Jazmine's voice croaked, "he died of cancer three years ago," she held her breath.
"Oh I'm sorry," Adriel apologized, "I didn't mean to..."
"You didn't do anything wrong," she smiled wiping off the tears that fell down her cheeks, "at least I have my mother. She's black."
"Great," Adriel smiled even wider, "we're alike then."
She giggled and they laughed together on the dining table.

"Are you done?" Jazmine stared at Adriel's plate.
He aligned the fork with the knife and smiled.
"I'll take my plate," he beamed.
"Great," she disappeared into the kitchen.
"Probably one day, I could help you wash the dishes," Adriel's deep voice flooded the entire kitchen.
"Oh wow," she rolled her eyes again, "that would be great," she stared deep into his eyes.
Just then a phone rang.
"Sorry," Adriel clicked his tongue, "gotta take this."
"Sure, no problem," she watched as he left the room.
"I'll see you tomorrow, babe," his voice echoed across the passage.

Of course, huge guy with amazing hair and handsome face would obviously have a girlfriend. Jazmine wasn't bothered. Besides, she only knew the guy for five minutes. All she needed right now was a friend and Adriel was the perfect fit.

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