Chapter Forty-Three: Back To Work

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Jane Rizzoli

The party celebrating our baby girl lasted longer than most Sunday night dinners, no one really wanting to call it a night as we all chatted about names, nursery plans and what it would be like with another little girl in the house. My family was thrilled by the news and we all couldn't wait to meet the newest Rizzoli/Jones, though we knew we still had quite a bit of waiting to do.

Having our guests stay late meant that Casey and I had gotten to bed late that night, which made the ringing of my cell phone a very unwelcome wake up call the next morning.

"Nooooo," I immediately groaned rolling over and pulling my pillow over my head. "No. Don't wanna."

Casey rubbed his eyes sleepily as he placed a hand over my baby bump. "Jane you need to answer your phone, they're just going to keep calling."

"Then let them," I mumbled, receiving a sharp poke to my ribs from Casey. "Ugh, fine," I whined, pulling the pillow off my head and grabbing my phone. "Rizzoli," I answered gruffly. "Yeah... okay...what's the address? I'll be there," I ended the call, dropping my phone and rolling onto my back, staring at the ceiling. "God I am so tired. I really could have used another couple hours." I leaned down to give him a kiss. "I'm going to take a quick shower."

"Wait," Casey grabbed me before I could get up, pulling me back down for another kiss. "I'm sorry. I know it must be hard for you," he tucked my dark locks behind my ear. "I shoulda made everyone go home earlier last night, you need your rest."

"You don't need to be sorry," I shook my head, taking Casey's hand in mines. "I could have easily asked everyone to go home last night too. We were just having such a good time," I shrugged. "Today will be difficult, but I'm sure the shower will wake me up. I'll be okay. Promise." I gave Casey's hands a tight squeeze.

"Of course you will be. You are a Rizzoli after all," Casey grinned, sitting up. "I'm gonna go down and make you that oatmeal you like, you can eat it while you shower and get dressed. Sound like a plan?"

"That sounds perfect," I smiled, receiving yet another kiss from him who was doing his best to look awake. "I'll see you downstairs."


The address the dispatchers had given me brought me to a warehouse that looked as if it hadn't been in use for many years.

"This place looks lovely," Maura said as she grabbed my hand to pull me out of the car. "Do you know what it used to be?"

"I don't really remember," I shook my head, locking the car as we headed towards the building, flashing our badges at the officer patrolling the scene as we passed by. "I think some sort of factory. I'm not sure but I bet Korsak remembers."

"It doesn't look very sanitary in here," Maura replied as we made our way inside, spotting Korsak and Frost heading our way. "I can't imagine what someone would be doing out here."

"I can't imagine anyone coming out here voluntarily. I definitely don't want to be here," I said, grabbing Maura's elbow as she steered me towards my team. "You know you should probably think about staying out of the field soon. I mean you kind of look dead on your feet today...beautiful of course," she added. "But you look really tired. This job is tiring enough as it is, at least if you cut back on your field work you wouldn't be on your feet all day."

"That's true," I nodded, keeping my voice low as we approached the officers gathered around. "But then you guys wouldn't get to see my pretty face."

"Well," Maura stretched out the word wrinkling her nose  before eventually breaking out in a smile. "If it means that you're going to get some extra rest to take care of that little one, then yes, I would be willing to take that chance," she jest.

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