Chapter Thirty-Six: Surprise!

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Casey Jones

"Babe, I'm home! Jane?" I kicked off my shoes and wandered down the hallway. "Jane, you promised there wouldn't be any form of a party, especially no surprise party."

Nope, no one in the kitchen.

"Jane? There better not be twenty people in my living room ready to jump out and scare me." Lights off in the living room, but when I flicked them on, I cringed in preparation for an onslaught of Happy birthday! and Surprise!

Nobody was there.

Suddenly a door slammed. Was that the guest bedroom? "Jane?" And then there she was, looking slightly flustered, but smiling brightly.

"Casey! I wasn't expecting you home so soon!"

"Yeah, well— what were you doing in the guest bedroom?" I asked, trying to peer around her slim frame and down the hallway.

"Oh! Just checking on something," Jane smoothed her dress unnecessarily and glanced away.

"Really?" I responded, not fazed in the slightest. I could tell when the brunette was avoiding a question. "So you wouldn't mind if I just go take a quick peak."

"Yes!" Jane practically shouted and I raised an amused eyebrow at her. "You can check later, alright?"

"Mmmkay..." I drawled. "Well then," I stepped into her space, "how about we check out our bedroom instead."

Jane, not to be outdown, reached forward, closing the distance between us. "I would love to," she practically purred, causing my knees to weaken. "But first," she kissed my neck softly and then pulled away, "I'm taking you to dinner."

I sighed frustratedly. "After dinner?"

"Certainly," Jane replied, giving me a seductive glance. "Now let's go."

"Wait," I said suspiciously. "Do I need to change or anything?"

"No," Jane smiled. "You'll be fine with what you have on," she headed for the door, grabbing her purse on the way. "Isa's over Ma's so we have the entire afternoon to ourselves."

"Okay," I nodded, trailing after the beautiful woman with a smirk on my face.

"Oh, and Casey," Jane paused with her hand on the door knob, "Happy birthday."

I stepped forward quickly and pulled Jane into a hug. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


"The Dirty Robber? Seriously, Jane? I mean, I thought you'd be a bit more creative seeing as we come here almost every single day." I was only teasing though. This really was one of my favorite places, and the fact that Jane, my beautiful, well-dressed, accomplished detective was willing to come here on my birthday made me just too happy to admit.

"I know they have your favorite beer here," Jane supplied, smirking as she led the way over to our booth.

"Trying to loosen me up for some reason, Detective?" I teased.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Casey. Besides, I don't really think you need any alcohol in your system to find me desirable, do you?" Jane cocked her head at me.

Jane's chocolatey brown eyes grew just a little darker as I leaned forward and captured the woman's lips with my own. "Never," I affirmed, pulling away before my body's desires could put us into a compromising situation out in public.

Jane smiled happily and nodded to the bartender, letting him know we would take our usual.

"Well that was delicious," I declared. "As always. Thanks, babe," I finished off my second beer of the night. "Now what?"

"Now," Jane responded, "we go home. I've still got to give you your present."

"I wonder what it could be," I joked, following behind Jane as we made for the door.

"Not that," Jane replied, leading the way to the car. I hopped in front of her to open the driver's door and bow her in. She giggled at my antics.

"Something better?" I questioned, sliding into the passenger's seat.

Jane hesitated. "I think so," she said, sounding a little bit unsure.

I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. "You know you didn't have to get me anything. But whatever it is, I'm going to love it."

Jane bit her lip and I kissed her again. "I promise."

The detective nodded and headed for home, holding tightly to my hand on the center console.

When we walked through the door, Jane shrugged out of her shoes and then led me down the hall. We stopped outside the guest bedroom. Jane looked anxiously down at her feet until I placed my fingers under her chin and pulled up gently, gazing lovingly into Jane's eyes. "Why detective, I do believe you're nervous," I teased.

Jane smiled at me hesitantly. "I know this is something we haven't really been planning for, but doing everything perfectly. I've been waiting to share this with you for some time now, but I didn't know when or how." Jane was rambling; something she only did when she was nervous. When she realized what she just said, she jumped, "I mean, yes, I know this is unexpected but-"

"Jane, honey. It's okay," I reached out and rubbed the woman's arm comfortingly. "Geez, if I knew you were going to get this upset over a little birthday gift, I would have just agreed to that cruise your mother proposed."

Jane gave a small giggle, knowing I would have absolutely abhorred spending a week stuck on a ship with Angela Rizzoli. "I just want you to be happy."

"I will, babe. I promise. I've got you. What could possibly make me happier?"

Jane took a deep breath. "Okay," she said. She gave me a kiss and looked up at my loving gaze. "Okay."

I nodded encouragingly at her.

"You have to close your eyes," she said shyly and I immediately did as I was told, holding my hand up to show just how serious I was. Jane took the other hand and opened the door to the guest bedroom. She led me inside and stopped just past the threshold.

"You can look now," she said.

I took my hand away and froze. The previously perfectly finished guest bedroom had been redecorated. The walls were now a pale yellow and I could still smell the fresh paint. All of the previous furniture had been removed. There was a rocking chair in the right corner and a small dresser in the left. The curtains in the window were a blue that matched the border going around the top of the walls. There was a yellow rug on the carpet and a bookshelf against the far wall. And, directly across from the door, there was "A crib," I breathed.

"Y-you're..." I said, suddenly having trouble forming words, actual, complete words. "You're pregnant?"

Jane nodded happily. "I found out a week or so ago and I wanted to tell you right away, but then I thought it would be a nice surprise, and Frost and Frankie helped me paint and move everything while you weren't around."

I looked back at Jane who was watching me a bit fearfully.

"Are you happy?" Jane asked.

"Happy? Happy?!" I whooped suddenly and hugged her tightly, but not too tight, burying my face in the brunette's dark curls. "Happy? Sweetheart, I couldn't be happier!"

Jane relaxed into the tight embrace, some tension leaving her body with my enthusiastic response.

"We're having a baby," I whispered into her ear, overcome with emotion and getting a bit choked up. I pulled away and gazed into Jane's eyes, noting the matching tears there.

Jane nodded. "We are."

I placed my hand reverently on Jane's stomach. "We're having a baby."

Jane giggled and nodded again.

I rested my forehead against Jane's. "Best birthday ever," I breathed, happier than I'd ever been.

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