Chapter Fifteen: The Beach

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Jane Rizzoli

I laughed as I watched my daughter running into the water of the sea, water splashing around the girl's legs, her long dark hair sticking to her back as the sun danced on her pale skin. Casey followed closely, making sure Isa don't go too far. It was our very first outing together and our little family was determined to enjoy it to the fullest.

"Maaaaaaama!" Isa screamed from the beach, waving her short arms at me. "Come, Mama!"

I chuckled and pulled myself out of my thoughts, running towards them, playfully tickling Isa's stomach. We played in the ocean together until we got tired and Isa got restless, whining for Casey who had already taken off to lie down to enjoy the sun on his skin.

I grabbed Isa's hand, following her out of the ocean and towards Casey. I smiled and gently squeezed my daughter's hand. "Are you ready for school tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'm finally seeing Gracie again." Isa looked up at me with sparkling eyes.

I smiled at her, feeling a sense of pride as I looked at the gorgeous girl. Isa would be turning heads when she got older, I knew it. Her skin had a healthy glow which complimented her rosy cheeks. Along with her beautiful dark curls. The girl was a beauty and I was proud to call Isa my daughter. "Didn't you see Gracelyn like two days ago?" I asked with a chuckle.

"That's a long time ago!" Isa looked at me with her brow furrowed, but smiled when she saw the smile on my face. "She's my best friend."

I sat down taking Isa in between my legs. I kissed her wet hair. "It's nice to have a best friend."

"Did you have a best friend too at my age mommy?"she asked, turning sideways to look at me.

"I had more good friends when I was your age."

Isa furrowed her brow and giggled. "Is daddy your best friend?"

Casey turned his head towards me, seeming to have caught interest in our conversation.

I smirked, "Sometimes."

"Did you become best friends right when you met him?"

Casey chuckled. "No, she didn't exactly like me when we first met."

"Really?" Isa's mouth fell open and she looked at me with wide eyes. "You didn't like Dada?"

I laughed. "Well, Dada wasn't very nice to me."

"Look who's talking."

Isa giggled, resting her head against my chest, her wet hair cold on my skin. "But you became friends."

Casey smiled at our daughter. "We did."

"And then you came." I said while I attempted to braid her messy curls but the girl was already squirming away. I chuckled and shook my head, giving up on my attempt quickly.

We played on the beach until it was time to go home to the family dinner for that night, which turned out to be loud and warm as usual. I loved my family but it left my little one exhausted by the end of the night. Ma was the last one to leave.

Just after I finished in the kitchen, I heard the doorbell ringing. I heard Casey opening the door and a male voice greeting him. My brow furrowed as I walked towards the commotion, curious to see who was visiting us. I felt like my heart skipped a beat when I saw Kye Miller standing in the doorway.

"Kye." I walked towards him and shook his hands.

"Jane! So nice to see you again."

I just smiled and stepped back next to Casey, possessively placing my hand on his lower back. "What brings you here?"

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