Chapter Ten: Another Day

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Jane Rizzoli

After a few moments of blissful silence, the front door opened and I raised my eyebrows when Maura and Isa entered. "Hi love! Did you steal Mauri away from work?"

Isa giggled when she ran towards me, climbing up on the couch to wrap her arms around me for a tight hug. "Mauri came to pick me up."

"Oh, what happened, little princess?" I gasped and adjusted Isa on my lap to look at her knee.

"I falls!"

"Oh, my poor baby." I pressed my lips against Isa's temple and pulled her close. "Thanks again, Maur."

"Anytime," Maura smiled.

"How'd you get off so early?"

"I have to go back in a few minutes, I just took a break to pick Isa up from school. The team misses you," Maura said softly. "The case is getting quite frustrating."

"I know, I'm on it from here." I sighed deeply and furrowed my brow. I felt the need to keep myself updated on the case but honestly, I was perfectly fine staying at home with my girl that afternoon. "I'll be back first thing tomorrow."

Maura smiled, "I know." She brushed her hand through Isa's curly locks against my side. "You're needed here today."

I looked at Isa who was sitting quietly and inspecting her knee like she was a professional surgeon that was determining what treatment should be used. I chuckled at the sight, Maura was right. This was my place for today.


"Isa? Can you come sit down for a minute?" I asked my daughter, patting the spot next to me on the couch.

Isa furrowed her brow and slowly walked towards me, hesitant to get punished for whatever she did.

"I got a message from Mike's mother," I said, sitting on the other side of the four-year-old.

"What did I do?" Isa raised her dark eyebrows.

"You don't know?"

Isa furrowed her brow and stared at the wall. "Because I told Mike his hair looks like a mop?"

I couldn't help but chuckle, "No." "You got into a fight," I said more strictly. "At the park, this afternoon."

"Ohh, that!" Isa nodded but she abruptly stopped when she looked at me.

"Yes, that!" I furrowed my brow. "What were you doing fighting, Isa!"

"They were making fun of Gracie!" Isa eyes adverted my stare.

I brought them back. "What?"

"They were laughing at her!"

"That doesn't justify you hitting someone, Isa," I said in my strict, motherly voice.

Isa's eyes widened when she heard the tone. She lowered her head and mumbled a quiet 'sorry'.

"Excuse me? I didn't hear you."

"I'm sorry."

I nodded my head. "Good."

"You should apologize to the kid you fought with," I said to the little girl next to me. "Can you promise me you'll do that tomorrow, baby?"

"Okay." Isa nodded and her expression turned to sadness.

"Now," I said softly, tucking a dark curl behind Isa's ear to be able to look at her face. "I'm glad you called them out on talking badly about Gracelyn, honey," I said softly. "But you know hitting someone isn't a solution."

Rizzoli & Isles: Do-Over Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora